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Anybody ever hear back from...?

Did anybody ever hear anything back from Channel K? And, while we're on the subject, does Angel Eye ever get to the people who submit ideas and treatments?

What was the title of your script?

I'm having a nightmare trying to get my DVD screner off to Channel K, sent one and it must have got lost somewhere along the way and so I tried to do another one but all the files had corrupted. I hate external hard drives. Little shits. Still, it could be worse.

I never heard back from Channel K and now think of them as Channel wanK. As for Angel Eye, they're the Bermuda Triangle of production companies, ideas and scripts go in but never come out.

Channel K, yes - absolutely nothing back from them, I've never heard anything back from Channel X either so maybe they're just a bad organistaion at giving feedback, ore more likely -- they thought my scripts were rubbish Laughing out loud

Angel Eye have been really good (and quick) on feedback on both occasions I've sent them stuff so I'm surprised people are having problems - maybe they've just got a lot on Huh?

Channel K only has 2 full time employees, so the slush pile doesn't get seen to very often and there's no-one who's employed to send back feedback for those that write in (they work long hours on little pay for the shows they currently produce). They do very occassionally take a risk on an unknown writer, so if your stuff is good enough and they think they can work with you then definitely send it in. It doesn't help any future scripts too much by slagging them off on a public forum though ;). I did read their slush pile over the summer (but was not responsible for replying to people) so let me know your script title and I might be able to remember the feedback I gave internally.

Ive pretty much been through the whole process with Angel Eye. Just sent my invoice off and the whole thing has been v friendly and easy. Had no problems here.

also, channel k's offices burnt down and they had to get new premises. lots of stuff was destroyed or damaged. they are generally very good at giving feedback although there are only 2 people there.

I don't remember reading about these people - what's the deal?

Ive found Angel Eye to be very friendly and great with giving feedback. I think that, perhaps, theyre just not very forthcoming in replying to people who send material theyre not interested in. But personally, ive found them great to work with. As for Channel K, i too have sent them stuff and recieved no sort of reply, but thats pretty par for the course in this industry; each production company is different.

I've never received any feedback from channel K and I thought Angel Eye doesn’t accept unsolicited scripts anymore, but maybe I'm thinking of someone else?

Ive found Angel Eye to be very friendly and great with giving feedback. I think that, perhaps, theyre just not very forthcoming in replying to people who send material theyre not interested in. But personally, ive found them great to work with.


I agree with that (infact I think I may have done so already), however, what I will say is that if they don't get back to you - don't think for one second that no one else will see any potential in it.

What I find fascinating is finding out who some production companies entrust to say yay or nay to scripts and finding new talent. Now I effectively work on the inside, I find it bizarre to think that someone one doing virtually the same job as me but at another place is given so much power, and how some of these people have no real comedy background - but then again, is that important?

Quote: Splodge @ September 30, 2007, 12:00 PM

... what I will say is that if they don't get back to you - don't think for one second that no one else will see any potential in it.

F**ken-ay right, Splodge.

The emperor has no clothes on!

The shocking blatant fact of it all is that MOST comedy on telly and radio is NOT funny. This means plenty of people have "made it" and/or have had moments of celebration and success even though their work was not as funny as yours.

There are two kinds of laughs:

1)Truly funny laughs.
2)Cue laughs.

Most comedy on telly and radio is "cue laughs".

Most truly funny laughs come from reactions & facial expressions. Look at All in the Family or Fawlty Towers: Both shows chock full of truly funny laughs based on reactions & facial expressions.

"Cue laughs" pull laughs from the studio audience because they are there to laugh. They await the cue to laugh. The cue is delivered in an obvious set-up line. The pay-off line comes, and though it is not funny, the audience responds to the cue---because they came to laugh.

You'll note in the truly funny laughs, the audience laughter EXPLODES and causes the actor to pause his next line.

Most of what is posted here at BSG is "cue laughter" material. It's not funny but you can see where the writer expects you to laugh. And yet, is this a bad thing? Apparently not. Plenty of money being spent on producing it.

I think it's the other way around, there's far too much 'REACT' comedy around at the minute, well I suppose it's getting slightly better with Not Going Out and I suppose The IT Crowd. But a year or so back comedy was full of 'react' and 'cringe' comedy, basically an excuse not to write proper jokes.

Hi everyone.

Sorry to anyone who has sent scripts into Channel K and not received feedback. As has been mentioned by other posters there is only two of us looking at these most of the time and we get huge piles of scripts which we do endeavour to look at. If we do see anything we like we will get back to you.

At the present time it is practically impossible to provide feedback on all scripts that come in, we would if we could. Try not to be dissuaded, it's the nature of the business that there are so many writers out there and so few slots for their work.

Hope that forms some kind of response to your questions.



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