20 signs you've watched too many British sitcoms growing up!
1) You don't mention the war; you mentioned it once but think you've got away with it.
2) "Don't tell him your name, Pike" is the funniest punch line ever written … Ever!
3) This time next year, you'll be a millionaire.
4) You say "I'm free" whenever anyone asks if you are available.
5) Sod the Playstation three; you've always wanted a Metal Mickey.
6) In your mind's eye, you know exactly what the house at Railway Cuttings in East Cheam looks like.
7) You don't need subtitles when watching "Rab C. Nesbitt".
8) Your cunning plans are better than Baldrick's
9) You've always thought that you are more like Terry Collier than Bob Ferris.
10) You wonder what Tristram Fourmile is doing now.
11) Your crush on Sally Abbott was only broken by Miss Brahms
12) You was never confused, mind you, It's been a year.
13) You have the highest post count on the http://www.classicsitcoms.co.uk forums.
14) You maintain that Foggy was the definitive third man.
15) At one point, all of your t-shirts had the slogan "Smoke me a kipper .."
16) The Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies is kept under your bed.
17) You wanted Terry Scott and June Whitfield to adopt you.
18) Your political activism is confined to applying to join the Tooting Popular Front.
19) Your school memories are confused with Fenn Street school.
20) You stay awake at night wondering why Stan from On The Buses still lives with his mother.