Sunday 1st November 2009 4:45pm
16 posts
Thanks for all your comments. Especially Roodeye and johnnyD, because yours I like.
I'm very new to this, I'd never thought about writing comedy before newsjack, which I got a line on. They also recorded a sketch but it got cut. So I don't really know what I'm doing and just wanted to figure out what I have to work on.
Just in case you're interested, this is the sketch I think newsjack recorded. And thanks again...
'You're Fired'.
David Cameron
(To self) Righty-ho, I'll give him what for, come on Dave! (Into intercom) Send the pleb in please!
Alan Sugar
Good morning Mr Cameron.
It's the right honourable gentleman to you...Sir Alan.
Look, can we just get this over with sonny, I've got a shipment of top quality filo-faxes to sign off on and they're not gonna sort themselves now are they?
I'm asking the questions here thank you very much! Now, enterprise tsar hm? And furry face of one of the BBC's most watched televisual programmes? That's all very convenient isn't it?
What can I say son, I'm an entrepreneur ain't I? I see an opportunity, I take it.
Well I won't stand for it. Don't think I don't know what's going on here, it's collusion!
What are you on about? I didn't get where I am today with time-wasters, I can't stand jibber jabber, and flip-flopping so spit it out.
You can not fulfil twin roles concerning business for the government (spits) and the BBC, it's not fair! It is an "outrageous piece of media management" (whispers) are you getting all of this down, am I coming off well?
And you, you! What do you have to say about this BBC?
The roles are completely unrelated, we don't see any breech of impartiality at all.
That's it is it? And you, government, what do you have to say for yourself?
I wholeheartedly agree with the statements of the right honourable BBC, I--
I've heard enough! Alright, Margaret, what are the results?
Margaret Thatcher
Well, I'm terribly sorry David but I'm afraid we're going to have to let this one go.