British Comedy Guide

Stand Up (edited, improved and extended)

Dear BCGers,

I've had a few requests - most of which were physically impossible and some almost certainly illegal but others of which concerned the snippet of stand up I posted a while back.

Accordingly, here's the new, improved version.

It's only a short snippet and it's for performance by a very thin comedienne:

Hi, I'm (NAME).

I'm a comedian and aspiring comedy writer. If you're a regular 'attendee' (MIME QUOTES) at this sort of venue, you might remember my face. If you're a TV producer, you might remember the top of my head (LEAN FORWARD AND BACK).

I was at home last week when the phone rang. I was in the shower. I mention that for two reasons: one, it introduces suspense into the story. "Will she get to the phone before it stops ringing?", and two, it conjures up a picture in your minds of me in the shower . . . which some of you might find arousing. (LOOK AROUND THE AUDIENCE) (NOD AS IF REALISING) You were worrying I wouldn't get the phone in time, right?

It's not my fault I'm skinny. I'm the only girl in the world with two backs. I have a tattoo on my chest "In case of rape: this side up".

I stole that joke from a Jim Davidson DVD and I'm only repeating it in a postmodern ironic kind of way.

We shouldn't joke about rape. Rape is not funny. It's just not. Even when the guy wears a clown mask, it's still not funny.

One guy told me I have a 'function-specific anatomy'.

Look. I do impressions. (STAND SIDEWAYS, STICK TONGUE OUT) Can you tell what it is, yet? No, not Rolf Harris. That was an accidental impression. (STAND SIDEWAYS, STICK TONGUE OUT AGAIN) It's a zip! (WAIT A FEW SECONDS) Some people say it's a lesbian with an erection but those people are not very nice.

I've always been very thin. You think I'm thin now? You should have seen me when I was younger. When I was fourteen, I swallowed a grape and three of my cousins left town. No, that's not true. One of them got to the outskirts of town and then realised it couldn't be hers.

And before that, I was even thinner. I remember when I was 8 or 9 years old I used to go into town every weekend and just sit on the pavement all day begging like a little homeless skeleton. And my dad would sit in the pub opposite, looking after my shoes and watching through the window in case anyone tried to feed me.

Anyway, I was at home last week when the phone rang. I was in the shower and I did manage to pick it up before it stopped ringing. It was the BBC.

I accepted the charge and they said "Can you do three minutes on a new comedy show we're recording next week?" I said 'Yes, I'd love to".

"There's only one thing," they said. "We don't want anything gynaecological".

"But most of my act is about women's woes in one form or another", I said.

There was a pause and he said "No women's woes. No female stuff. Period!" and put the phone down without a trace of irony.

Don't you love unintentional comedy? I do - except when it's me that's doing it. It feel's like I'm working on my day off.

When my family found out I was going into comedy, they were mortified. My grandmother threw her hands in the air. That's a strange expression – 'throw your hands in the air', isn't it? I mean, how would you ever catch them when they came down again?

Anyway, my grandmother threw her hands in the air and emitted a wail – which is another good trick. Emitting a whale You think childbirth is uncomfortable? Try emitting a whale!

So, the whale's lying there, flapping around on the carpet, my grandmother's fainted and we've sent out for plankton . . .

I can see a few of you looking puzzled now. This is the surreal part of my act. Are they any Eddie Izzard fans here tonight? Well, guess what – he's not coming. So make the most of me.

Not that I'm a rape joke afficiando or anything, but I rather liked this one:

"We shouldn't joke about rape. Rape is not funny. It's just not. Even when the guy wears a clown mask, it's still not funny."

I think you should add at the end "Actually, it's especially not funny then."

I liked this very much too...

"It's not my fault I'm skinny. I'm the only girl in the world with two backs. I have a tattoo on my chest "In case of rape: this side up"."

...though maybe two rape jokes in such a short act is a bit much.

Really enjoyed this bit though:

"Anyway, my grandmother threw her hands in the air and emitted a wail – which is another good trick. Emitting a whale You think childbirth is uncomfortable? Try emitting a whale!"

The rest left me a bit cold if I'm honest. I have a bit of a bugbear with people wasting time at the beginning of their act talking about themselves being a comedian. We know that, you're standing on stage - just get to the jokes already. Mentioning other comics in your act makes you seem a bit amateur too - how many big names do you know who do that (except Stewart Lee, and I hate when he does it too).

Hi David,

I'm very pleased you liked (some of) it.

Personally, I like it all - would you believe? - but other people's views are, at the end of the day, what pay a writer's wages so your response is much appreciated.

Thanks. :)

Quote: Roodeye @ October 28 2009, 3:20 PM BST

Hi David,

I'm very pleased you liked (some of) it.

Personally, I like it all - would you believe? - but other people's views are, at the end of the day, what pay a writer's wages so your response is much appreciated.

Thanks. :)

No problem. Are you planning on performing this yourself?

Quote: David Bussell @ October 28 2009, 3:23 PM BST

Are you planning on performing this yourself?

I don't think it would work.

I'm Jo Brand in real life. ;)

Why write it for a skinny bird then?

I like the concept of being so thin that swallowing a grape would give the appearance of being pregnant. I'm with Bussell on not mentioning other comedians and the beginning would lose people straight away. All told I found this quite abrasive, there wasn't really anything there that would make people warm to the comic, although a bit of self deprecation does get a little sympathy but probably not from a drunk comedy club audience. Maybe if you got someone to act it out it might not necessarily be how it plays out in my mind but good luck with finding a thin enough comedienne to fill the part.


Quote: David Bussell @ October 28 2009, 3:35 PM BST

Why write it for a skinny bird then?

I'd just started a diet.

Quote: The Giggle-o @ October 28 2009, 3:35 PM BST

good luck with finding a thin enough comedienne to fill the part. :)

I know. They're all such fat bastards. :(

I like the rape jokes too, nostalgic comedy is nice :)

I agree with The Bussell about the comedian thing as well.

As much as I'm with you on the cramming lots of jokes in, you need to give the audience time to breath (or laugh). Needs better pacing, otherwise you might waste a perfectly good joke if it's lost in the timing.

"Anyway, my grandmother threw her hands in the air and emitted a wail – which is another good trick. Emitting a whale You think childbirth is uncomfortable? Try emitting a whale!"

It's a good joke, two in fact, but you may loose some people if they don't hear the start to second joke.

This is the first time I realised you weren't a man, y'know a woman. When you said - ""Will she get to the phone before it stops ringing?" It changed the whole act for me - weird.

Anyway, pretty good stuff. Keep it up.

Quote: Roodeye @ October 28 2009, 3:48 PM BST

I'd just started a diet.

Laughing out loud

Thanks, Lee.

I have to say at this point before there's any confusion that I'm not a man, a woman, or anything else composed of flesh and blood.

I'm just an entity.

entity *sniggers*

But seriously, Lee, I do take on board what you say.

I'd intended lots of pauses in the delivery to allow the audience time to appreciate it to the full. And I'd never normally mention other comedians: it's just that the Eddie Izzard thing seemed to work well as a platform to the forthcoming joke.

Complicated stuff, comedy. ;)

The performance pace and writing pace are two different things IMO.


"Anyway, my grandmother threw her hands in the air and emitted a wail"

It's not a hilarious joke, but if you do get a laugh on pure imagery alone, you may have to pause for a chuckle.

" – which is another good trick. Emitting a whale You think childbirth is uncomfortable? Try emitting a whale!"

Only works when proceeded by the first bit, unless you rephrase it.

I think?

Quote: Leevil @ October 28 2009, 4:27 PM BST

The performance pace and writing pace are two different things IMO.

I think you're right.

In the past, whenever I was writing stuff for a really stupid audience, I'd write it really really slowly and sometimes even stop and eat a biscuit between two very subtle lines.

But it never worked so, you're right. It all comes down to the actual performance.

And yes, the first 'wail' line will certainly need a pause if the next bit is to go well.

It's good, made me laugh

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