British Comedy Guide

Sitcom Saturday! Page 4

Good one Jane! When is it being performed?

Thanks Dolly

It's on Saturday (obviously) 5th December. Be great if you could make it.


Quote: Jane P @ October 27 2009, 2:04 PM BST

Thanks Dolly

It's on Saturday (obviously) 5th December. Be great if you could make it.


I might be able to. I'll laugh very loudly all the way through if I do. :)

Quote: Jane P @ October 27 2009, 1:56 PM BST

I only received a reply late last night so there's still hope for some!

I'm in apparently - which I'm v chuffed about.


Same here. :)

Quote: JohnnyD @ October 27 2009, 2:32 PM BST

Same here. :)

Well done Johnny. :)

Cheers. See you there, maybe.

I know for a fact that several talent scouts use that library when it rains.
Well done. :)

Quote: JohnnyD @ October 27 2009, 2:39 PM BST

Cheers. See you there, maybe.

I will laugh loudly at yours too if I do make it. :)

Congratulations Jane P and Johnny D. :)

Well done JP and JD! Hope it goes well.

Well done, people! Hope it all goes well.

I have nothing but respect for this now they gave each of us feedback.


Well - not all of us :(

They'll get around to you -- don't worry.


I got my rejection/feedback today. Rejection :( Feedback :)

Thanks for the good wishes, and well done Johnny - see you there!

Also well done SS for taking the time to give constructive feedback.


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