I've just spent the last hour on a fresh news story. "Gok Wan Not Gay!"
I like posting this kind of stuff on my blog, but posting it somewhere that might pay me for the considerable mental effort required to compose such crap would be even nicer. Then, I could buy nice, shiny things like the local people have. Is that too much to ask? 
Sorry, Kenneth. Just getting back to your reply.
David Icke's surname is pronounced Ike. He was a sports broadcaster for the BBC at one time. I remember him from the '80s, doing snooker coverage.
I haven't followed his career closely, so I don't know exactly how he graduated from BBC sports broadcaster to believer in lizard type beings controlling the world. I think he was sacked by the BBC when he went public with some views along the lines of Jewish Illuminati conspiring to do bad things to us all, unless we wake up and smell the lizards. I'm sure somebody else will have more detailed information.
David Icke is still around and is the darling of conspiracy theorists. If you check out his website, you'll probably agree that there's not much point taking the piss out of this man. He's done all the work already.