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Nick Griffin on Question Time Page 8

Quote: Scottidog @ October 22 2009, 9:30 PM BST

Can you tell me that you know all of the policies of Labour, Tories and the BNP?

Or are you jumping on the BNP hatred bandwagon.

I never said anything about the BNP, or any other political party. I don't know enough about the BNP to have an opinion on them, and I do credit myself with enough intelligence to form my own opinions without having to board any bandwagons. I was responding to that one comment, which is in my view both extremely crass and extremely ignorant.

Moon, you don't see Christians will placks outside in the street saying 'UK, Your 9/11 will come'?

You were referring to a minority, fair enough, I took your meaning to be 'all' Muslims (which you did seem to be infering with your comment about Christianity being about peace and forgiveness etc), so I apologise for my mistake. The word Muslim, just as an aside, is derived from the Arabic for peace.

So if we're talking about minorities acting badly, as Sootyj said, there are people belonging to other groups who've committed far worse 'crimes' than holding up plaquards.

Quote: Moonstone @ October 22 2009, 9:50 PM BST

there are people belonging to other groups who've committed far worse 'crimes' than holding up plaquards.

Yeah people.

Quote: Aaron @ October 22 2009, 9:49 PM BST

Are you aware of the significance of yesterday?

It was the day Britain opted out of Europe 204 years ago.

Quote: LIME5000 @ October 22 2009, 9:53 PM BST

Yeah people.

Ha! :D True enough!

Quote: Rhubarb @ October 22 2009, 9:40 PM BST

There's 5.5 million Brits living abroad. Send them back. And don't forget the 800,000 pensioners living in Spain.
Apart from the racist, neo-Nazi, homophobic, eugenic , fascist outlook on life, some people think the BNP talk a lot of sense.

'rhubarb rhubarb'
Noun, Singular

Background noise of several "conversations", none of which are decipherable since actually all the actors are only repeating the word rhubarb.

Quote: Morrace @ October 22 2009, 9:56 PM BST

'rhubarb rhubarb'
Noun, Singular

Background noise of several "conversations", none of which are decipherable since actually all the actors are only repeating the word rhubarb.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Moonstone, just wanted to say this.

I saw a lad at the airport (when I was going on holiday with my partner)
Who was wearing a Man Utd top, with 'Mooney' on the back.
He obviously thought this was hilarious.

Not until, I shouted, as he walked past..'Get your arse out'
and Amy nearly died of embarassment.


Quote: Aaron @ October 22 2009, 9:49 PM BST

Are you aware of the significance of yesterday?

Truthfully, no.

But assuming you're referring to Trafalgar, I'm not sure it's any great loss that we don't celebrate it or have the date engraved in our memories.

Did we ever?

Quote: Aaron @ October 22 2009, 9:45 PM BST

Quite self-explanatory, no? Heritage and customs being lost and forgotten. History being shyed away from, not taught, ignored. Massive achievements and milestones in our past going by with little or no rememberance.

Difficult to think of a nation more ignorant and dismissive of its own culture than the British, or more specifically, the English. You do not necessarily need to be proud of the past (though on balance our track record compares well enough with other nations), but you should understand the value of continuity with the past in underpinning a sense of shared national identity and common values, and forging a sense of national pride.

The BNP represent all that is worst about Englishness, but they do represent a pride in Englishness, which is the essence of their appeal.

Well we live in a democracy, and Mr Griffin has the right to free speech and as an MEP also has the right to a public platform, even if it means he'll be airing a controversial viewpoint.

I for one will be giving the fat, bozz-eyed, Mein Kampf-reading, shite-talking racist c**t my full unbiased attention. I hope you'll all join me.

Lest my English credentials be questioned, I refer you to something I wrote a few years back.

The best thing about this country has always been that you're welcome to hold any beliefs you want - however crazy, outlandish or, indeed, sensible they might be. However the vast majority of British people are either rather embarrassed or will simply laugh at you when you appear to be too serious in your beliefs.

Traditionally this is why extremist ideologies and religious views have never gained a major foot-hold in Britain.

I find extreme left-wingers as tedious as extreme right-wingers. Extreme Muslims are laughable as extreme atheists.

The British people by and large don't like too many ideas. This is a good thing, because too many ideas leads to ideologies. And ideologies pretty much always end up in disaster, e.g. Nationalist Socialism. :)

Quote: Timbo @ October 22 2009, 10:02 PM BST

Difficult to think of a nation more ignorant and dismissive of its own culture than the British, or more specifically, the English. You do not necessarily need to be proud of the past (though on balance our track record compares well enough with other nations), but you should understand the value of continuity with the past in underpinning a sense of shared national identity and common values, and forging a sense of national pride.

The BNP represent all that is worst about Englishness, but they do represent a pride in Englishness, which is the essence of their appeal.

It's a good point.

My English friend who lives in America said that he loves the fact that they are proud to be American and you can see the flag everywhere.
The English flag is often considered racist.

Blimey, I've just seen the protests outside the BBC TV centre on the news. :O

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 22 2009, 10:07 PM BST

Lest my English credentials be questioned, I refer you to something I wrote a few years back.


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