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Quote: ajp29 @ September 18, 2007, 10:41 PM

Strange but true legally a woman can't rape a man cos rape involves a penis and virgina...

Spelling mistake aside, that statement makes no sense at all. What do you expect rape to involve? An earlobe and a toenail?

Quote: zooo @ September 19, 2007, 12:43 PM

And if it's found they were wrongly convicted we'll sew their bits and pieces back on, having kept them in the deep freeze.
Excellent idea. :)

And that's just the most obvious of the many problems with that idea.

Quote: zooo @ September 19, 2007, 12:43 PM

And if it's found they were wrongly convicted we'll sew their bits and pieces back on, having kept them in the deep freeze.
Excellent idea. :)

The current system obviously has the same problem. Criminals (including murderers, rapists and paedophiles) are released back into society with a statement from the authorities that they are no longer a risk, and then they go on to re-offend creating more victims.

I prefer for that not to happen and for the mistakes to be made with convicted offenders rather than innocent victims. At least the offender has been convicted by a court. The victim is just a poor innocent.

The biggest problem with this idea is liberal minded people who won't deal logically with the issues and prefer to allow known offenders back out into society without adequate supervision or restraint allowing them opportunity to re-offend. It really is outrageous (in my opinion)!

I don't particularly want real paedophiles out where they can easily get to kids either.
I just don't think the person in question (or he was at the beginning of this conversation) is one.

I also don't believe in extreme punishments. Like the death penalty or castration.

By the way, just interested - would females be castrated too in your world, if convicted of paedophilia?
(what on earth does female castration involve, anyway? Always wondered.)


No, I don't think females should be castrated, they should be punished by custodial sentences I reckon. The reason for the castration (which would be chemical by the way, not 'chopping off bits') is to prevent libido in the mans case. I don't know about female castration either! I don't think it's relevant to criminal matters!

Extreme crimes require extreme punishments I'm afraid, that's what you liberal minded folks won't face up to and you spend far too much time considering the 'rights' of the perpetrators and not enough time worrying about victims (in my opinion!)

Hey, but nothing against you personally, mate! ;)

P.S. Ref C Langham, I agree not a case for castration but I do think he should serve the full term of his sentence as should anyone convicted by a court. I don't believe in time off for good behaviour in prison, I believe in time added on for bad behaviour!

Dammit, I thought I was finally going to find out what it was. :)
I am *not* typing female castration into google...

Quote: Frankie Rage @ September 19, 2007, 5:15 PM

I don't believe in time off for good behaviour in prison, I believe in time added on for bad behaviour!

Well, that's something I can agree with you on - normally. Unfortunately, even through sentences are abhorrently low these days, our prisons are overcrowded following years of neglect by Governments, despite continuing warnings from other parites. We've got the stage where some people shouldn't be put in prison at all, as they're using space which should be reserved for more violent and serious offenders.

Of course, it wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if we didn't have all of this human rights malarkey. A return to Victorian-style prisons is needed! There's currently far too much to be gained from prison sentences.

Quote: zooo @ September 19, 2007, 5:53 PM

Dammit, I thought I was finally going to find out what it was. :)
I am *not* typing female castration into google...

You don't want to know. Seriously.

The solutions are all there but the will to implement is lacking!

If only the will would triumph...

OK everybody count to 10 and chillax 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Thats better.

In some Muslim countries young girls are castrated.
It is done to lessen the sexual pleasure of a woman thus making them less likely to cheat. It is abhorrent & huge campaigns are up & running, mostly by westernised muslim women to stop it. Young girls have even been known to bleed to death & die. It is done with no pain relief.

I would go along with castration as long as there was 100% proof, because it would be just awfull if an innocent man lost his cock. They would however also have to cut off the pedo's fingers & tape up his mouth. Better would be a drug that could be injected whereby they lost all libido, without having to resort to castration. Some pedo's have requested & been given castrations though.

Extreme crimes require extreme measures & I agree with Frankie there.

Too often I have read about the death or abuse of a child sometimes by their own parent/s or step parent & they receive laughable pathetic sentences that make me gag.
Child abuse either physically or sexualy & child murder is without doubt, THE worst crime anyone can commiit.

The ultimate way to cure these sick individuals is to leave them in prison.
The person in question Mr Langham, may go on to spend the rest of his life never looking at such images again. Or he may not. I hope for future children's sake its the latter. He has been punished. Not to the extent many, many would like. It has no doubt ruined his life & I would suspect his career.

Something occured to me the other day. I wonder how many singers from very successful rock bands have NOT slept with underage girls? :)

There was an item in the paper last week where a gang of three were sent down and one of the accused was a woman which made me think that maybe castration is not an answer. A more humane solution would be to put these people down like you would a rabid dog. If anyone retains a soft spot for guys like Chris Langham, Gary Glitter or Pete Townsend then they can always buy their greatest hits album or comedy DVD to keep the memories alive.

What is required is punishment that prevents re-offending.

Quote: Charley @ September 20, 2007, 12:55 AM

Young girls have even been known to bleed to death & die.

Laughing out loud

Quote: Frankie Rage @ September 20, 2007, 10:29 AM

What is required is punishment that prevents re-offending.

Victorian-style prisons.

"Young girls have been known to bleed to death and die" If there's a joke there Aaron, share it with us. I can't see it.

Ah perhaps I can see it "bleed to death AND die", yep you couldn't very well bleed to death without dying.


Victorian Prisons are all very well Aaron, I fully agree that they would be better than what we have now BUT you've got to keep them in there. They abolished the death penalty and muted it to "life in prisonment" but then they started letting them out!

Murder is for life and "life imprisonment" should be for life.

Also, how will a Victorian prison stop paedophiles and rapists (or murderers...) re-offending when you let them out? Or do all serious criminals get a life (meaning life) sentence?

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