British Comedy Guide

Heaven Knows

I originally started this as a stage play but have changed it for radio. This is only part of scene one. I'm in the process or adding more to scene two as I don't think it will be long enough. It runs about 25 minutes at the moment. Any and all comments welcomed as this is my first real attempt at writing a full play.




ST PETER: Hello and welcome to Heaven. Name please.

ETHEL:(PUZZLED) This doesn't look like the post office.

ST PETER: No, it doesn't, does it. Can I take your name please?

ETHEL: My name? (SLIGHTLY ANNOYED) Why do you want my name?

ST PETER: I need your name for our records dear; everyone has to give me their name

ETHEL: But I only want to buy some stamps and a birthday card for our Susan.

ST PETER: This isn't the post office dear; you are at the gates of Heaven.


ST PETER: Yes dear.

ETHEL: Oh... Oh dear me... I'm not at the post office then?

ST PETER: No dear, you're not at the post office. You're in Heaven.

ETHEL: Heaven, oh my goodness! So, does that mean I'm dead then?

ST PETER: Yes am afraid so. If you would just give me your name it will help things along.

ETHEL: Oh dear, Heaven you say. Oh my, well yes.(PAUSE) Well fancy that!(PAUSE) Oh! My name, yes, Mrs Ethel Weston.


ST PETER: W-E-S-T-O-N. Ah here we are Ethel Weston aged sixty-four. Died, ten-fifteen at Kingston General. Does that sound right?

ETHEL: Oh well I don't know I was going to the post office. I was getting some stamps and a birthday card for our Susan.

ST PETER: Well it would appear that you had a heart attack Ethel and died not long after.

ETHEL:(BEAT) Oh dear oh my.

ST PETER:(BEAT) Marvellous thing these computers. Speed things up no end I can tell you. You wouldn't believe the size and amount of paperwork I had to go through to get just a small fragment of information from someone's entire existence. And! Trying to read some of the writing on the pages you wouldn't comprehend (PAUSE) Ah. Sorry Ethel, I'm afraid I'm rambling again, it's just that I find this computer so helpful in my work. (PAUSE)Okiedokie. Let's just see what your appointed destiny is shall we.

ETHEL: I have an appointed destiny?

ST PETER: But of course Ethel. Everyone has an appointed destiny. Let me see now.


ST PETER: Oh this looks good Ethel,


ST PETER: you've been chosen to be a Guardian Angel. Well done.

ETHEL: Oooh! So Angels do really exist then?

IAN THOMAS:(OFF UNDER) What the bloody hells going on here, where the devil am I!

ST PETER: Oh yes Ethel but of course they do. I see that you are going to be a Guardian Angel for Michelle, you great grandchild.

ETHEL: My great grandchild Michael! I don't have a great grandchild called Michelle.

IAN THOMAS:(ANNOYED) Excuse me, can someone tell me where the hell I am!

ST PETER: One moment sir, I'll be with you shortly. (BEAT) Ah well Ethel your granddaughter Susan is 2 months pregnant with your great granddaughter Michelle and you've been chosen to be her Guardian Angel. Congratulations Ethel! Don't look so worried everything is going to be fine.

ETHEL: 2 months pregnant! She's never mentioned it to me that she's pregnant! Oh my and I'm going to be her Guardian Angel Oh dearie dearie me I don't know if I can do that. I don't know how to be a Guardian Angel?

ST PETER: Ethel dear,(PAUSE) you have plenty of time overcome your fears and anxieties and we have a great team here to show you how to become a wonderful Guardian Angel. (PAUSE) Don't worry! If you would just like to go through the Pearly Gates and take the first door on your right, someone will take you through your inauguration.


ST PETER: Hello and welcome to Heaven. Name please.


ST PETER: Name please.

IAN THOMAS:(AGITATED) What...Who the hell are you? (BEAT)Look where the bloody hell am I?

ST PETER: Begging your pardon SIR, but we don't use language like that up here. It's err, not good for our image. I know it may be a bit of a shock to find yourself here sir, but I'm a very busy Saint so if you could just give me your name please and I will be able to process you through on to the next level of your destiny.

IAN THOMAS:(AGITATED) Destiny! Destiny,what the hell are you going on about? Destiny! What bloody destiny! And where the hell am I?

ST PETER: Please Sir. I really must Insist that you restrain your language. There are a lot of people up here who take considerable offence to the usage of that word, so If you wouldn't mind!

IAN THOMAS:LOOK! Could you just tell me, if-its-not-too-much-trouble where in damn nation am I?

ST PETER: I already have Sir! Does the phrase hello and welcome to Heaven, strike any chords?

IAN THOMAS:(BEAT) Jesus! I was just crossing the road to buy some... Sorry I thought you said Heaven for a minute there?

ST PETER: Then you heard me correctly then sir.


ST PETER:(HEAVY SIGH) H-E-A-V-E-N Heaven, you know! Elysian Fields, Paradise, The Beyond, Kingdome Come. Don't you recognise any of this here? Like the Pearly Gates or maybe the choir of Angels singing you a welcoming hymn in the background. Didn't you ever go to church or read the bible?



IAN THOMAS:(PAUSE) But you have to be dead to go to Heaven!

ST PETER: Ah the penny drops me thinks. Good. Now can I have your name please?

IAN THOMAS: I'm sorry I think there must be some kind of mistake here mate. I mean I'm not dead. Look at me! I'm alive and kicking.

ST PETER:(BEAT) Well I'm afraid you don't look the picture of health to me Sir!

IAN THOMAS: What do you mean by that?

ST PETER: Well do you always go around in a hospital gown with a face looking like a clown who's had a jam tart pused in his face, or were you going to a fancy dress party as a lolly-pop perhaps?

IAN THOMAS: What the hel..

ST PETER:(BEAT) Er-urm I won't tell you again sir. Look, it's quite obvious that when your demise came it came totally unexpectedly and it must be a terrible shock, but as I said I'm a very busy Saint. So if you would be so kind as to give me your name so I can process you on to our.

IAN THOMAS:(BEAT) What's happened to me?

ST PETER: You've died!

IAN THOMAS: Oh I'm dead am I, well how did I die then? (BEAT) OH shiiiiugar I'm supposed to be picking her up at twelve, Christ she's going to kill me if I don't turn up!

ST PETER: Well, perhaps you where late Sir. (PAUSE) If you would just give me your name I will endeavour to enlighten you on your sad and somewhat unexpected demise.

IAN THOMAS: NO! no no no this can't be right I've died before my time, I must have. I'm not dead and all this is just a figment of my imagination, I'm asleep and this is all a dream, yeah that's it that's got to be it.


BREEZE:(OFF: SIGNING: UNDER: GEORGE HARRISON'S MY SWEAT LORD) My sweet lord, hallelujah. Mmm my lord, hallelujah. My my my lord, hallelujah. Mmm my lord, hare krishna

ST PETER: Yes some might consider all this a figment of one's imagination. That's what they say about the scriptures, the Dead Sea scrolls and the Holy Grail to name but three of the myriad of Holy artefacts and myths. Still! You could be right, maybe you're not dead and you are in the wrong place? Why don't you turn around and go back down Sir. The stairs are right behind you.

BREEZE:(SLOW AND HIPPYISH) OH wow man this is it cool. Far out, peace brother.

IAN THOMAS: RIGHT. I will. I'm off. (PAUSE) This place is giving me the creeps.

ST PETER:(CHEERY) Bye. See you soon.


ST PETER:(GROAN) Hello and welcome to Heaven. Name please.

BREEZE: Hey man don't you know me? I thought you knew everyone and everything man.

ST PETER: Not me Sir that would be the boss I'm just the gate keeper. Name please.

BREEZE: Oh yeah right man. Breeze, man... Like the wind, soft and gentle.

ST PETER: I will need your real name Sir, the one given to you when you were born.

BREEZE: Hey man I was given this name when I was like re-born man; we had a really cool ceremony y'know, baptism of faith right.

ST PETER: That's as maybe Sir but I still require the name you were given when you were born the first time round.

BREEZE: Hey maaan like I don't know how many lives I've lived y'know. During my last regression session I was like an herb farmer in Tibet in the sixteen hundreds y'know. (PAUSE) I suggested that the group called me Thyme. (PAUSE) Like a play on words y'know but the group said it didn't suit my psyche.

ST PETER:(EXASPERATED) Please, just give me the name you were given when you were born during this last life!

BREEZE: Oh wow man. OK keep your cool (PAUSE) Ronald Dickenson.


BREEZE:(OFF UNDER SINGING) I really want to see you lord, hallelujah. I really want to feel you lord, hare krishna

ST PETER: D-I-C-K-E-N-S-O-N(PAUSE) Mmm here we are Ronald Dickenson sixty-two of(HEAVY SIGH) Natures Child Commune Bolton Died ten-forty-five am substance abuse.

BREEZE: Oh man, yeah right, that must have been some bad trip yeah.(PAUSE) Hey man! When do I get to see you know who, Do I get see the holy dude?

Far too long for a start. Plus the 'BREEZE' / character is soooo dated - "Oh wow man. OK keep your cool" - hare krishna, etc, etc. (showing your age? :) ) He would have been spot on if this were the early 1970s. But 'All Things Must Pass' and it is now 2009 - so I would suggest, say, a Goth?

Plus, there is needless dialogue throughout. For example:


ST PETER: Hello and welcome to Heaven. Name please.

ETHEL:(PUZZLED) This doesn't look like the post office.

ST PETER: No, it doesn't, does it. Can I take your name please?

ETHEL: My name? (SLIGHTLY ANNOYED) Why do you want my name?

ST PETER: I need your name for our records dear; everyone has to give me their name

ETHEL: But I only want to buy some stamps and a birthday card for our Susan.

ST PETER: This isn't the post office dear; you are at the gates of Heaven.


ST PETER: Yes dear.

ETHEL: Oh... Oh dear me... I'm not at the post office then?

ST PETER: No dear, you're not at the post office. You're in Heaven.

ETHEL: Heaven, oh my goodness! So, does that mean I'm dead then?

ST PETER: Yes am afraid so. If you would just give me your name it will help things along.

ETHEL: Oh dear, Heaven you say. Oh my, well yes! My name, yes, Mrs Ethel Weston.


ST PETER: Hello and welcome to Heaven. Name please.

ETHEL: My name..for a stamp and a birthday card for our Susan?

ST PETER: We don't do stamps or cards in... (LOUDER) Heaven.

ETHEL: Heaven? Oh my goodness! Does that mean... I'm dead?

ST PETER: I'm afraid so. If you would just give me your name it will help things along.

ETHEL: Oh dear, Heaven you say. Good Heavens! In that case - Mrs Ethel Weston.

A good premise though. The above is what 'leapt out' at me and I'm sure others will have more to critique!

Thanks for taking the time to read it all and for the feeback Morrace. Sorry to all if it's too long.

Quote: Morrace @ October 2 2009, 11:21 AM BST

Far too long for a start. Plus the 'BREEZE' / character is soooo dated - "Oh wow man. OK keep your cool" - hare krishna, etc, etc. (showing your age? :) ) He would have been spot on if this were the early 1970s. But 'All Things Must Pass' and it is now 2009 - so I would suggest, say, a Goth?

Breeze is 62 years old and stuck in a drug induced time warp hence the language used. I agree that it is dated. Then again so am I. By the way, he goes to Hell anyway!

Quote: Morrace @ October 2 2009, 11:21 AM BST

Plus, there is needless dialogue throughout. For example:


ST PETER: Hello and welcome to Heaven. Name please.

ETHEL: My name..for a stamp and a birthday card for our Susan?

ST PETER: We don't do stamps or cards in... (LOUDER) Heaven.

ETHEL: Heaven? Oh my goodness! Does that mean... I'm dead?

ST PETER: I'm afraid so. If you would just give me your name it will help things along.

ETHEL: Oh dear, Heaven you say. Good Heavens! In that case - Mrs Ethel Weston.

I maybe wrong but I don't think Saint Peter would be so rude to a bewildered old lady. I am (hopefully) building a character that has compassion with a hint of sarcasm.

I would be interested to know from the others if there is 'needless dialogue' throughout?

Quote: Sonofjoe @ October 2 2009, 8:05 PM BST

Breeze is 62 years old and stuck in a drug induced time warp hence the language used.

So state that on your script.

Quote: Sonofjoe @ October 2 2009, 8:05 PM BST

I agree that it is dated. Then again so am I.

I guessed right then. (see below)

Quote: Morrace @ October 2 2009, 11:21 AM BST

hare krishna, etc, etc. (showing your age? :) )

So if you give the same explanation 'I agree that it is dated. Then again so am I.' to a producer who may ask the same question - do you think he/she will reply, "Oh that's alright, then"?

Quote: Sonofjoe @ October 2 2009, 8:05 PM BST

I don't think Saint Peter would be so rude to a bewildered old lady. I am (hopefully) building a character that has compassion with a hint of sarcasm.

If Saint Peter were a real person whose personality we knew had compassion with a hint of sarcasm - fine. Otherwise describe your characters at the start.

By the way; here's 'rude' should you need it in future ---


ETHEL: My name..for a stamp and a birthday card for our Susan?

ST PETER: (LOUDER) This is Heaven, love.

ETHEL: Heaven? Oh my goodness! Does that mean... I'm dead?

ST PETER: --- as a doornail. Your name?

ETHEL: Oh dear, Heaven you say. Good Heavens! In that case - Mrs Ethel Weston.

Quote: Sonofjoe @ October 2 2009, 8:05 PM BST

I would be interested to know from the others if there is 'needless dialogue' throughout?

Translation: "I hope the others aren't so honest! ;)

(heat/kitchen springs to mind)

I did state that Breeze was 62 in the script. I also thought that the dialogue would indicate his lifestyle. It would appear to Morrace that I have missed the mark, which has caused me to look at the dialogue more closely? Thanks.

Morrace - I am not that naive to send my FIRST script to a producer. However, I am mature enough to post here for readers critiques, be they pleasing OR unpleasant, as long as they are honest. Why else would one write a critique?

There is some good interplay here but I think the dialogue can be tightened up. Personally, I would be ruthless, focus on what the point of each interaction is, and cut as much as possible without losing that point (which is hard to judge at the moment without seeing the rest of the piece). I think the rework Morrace did was spot on actually and putting aside the friction my spider sense is picking up on I think Morrace deserves some credit for taking the time to do that. Anyway I am actually interested in where your story is going which must mean something.

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