British Comedy Guide

Recorded For Training Purposes submissions for S4 Page 5

Damn, deadlines tomorrow and I haven't even thought about this yet.

Great, not only did I send in a manuscript containing a typo, but now I've inadvertantly reminded a bunch of better writers about the deadline. Double f**ksticks.

Aargh! I hate the BBC ScriptSmart template. I keep forgetting that it disables the Ctrl-S function in Word.

Hence, I've just sent off a sketch to RFTP with two typos in it. F**ksticks.

Strange. Spellcheck works for me in Word 2007 when I use ScriptSmart.
Mind you, I don't use the CTRL blah keys, I hit the little tick icon.

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ October 1 2009, 1:48 PM BST

Strange. Spellcheck works for me in Word 2007 when I use ScriptSmart.
Mind you, I don't use the CTRL blah keys, I hit the little tick icon.

Ctrl-S saves it. Spellcheck works fine. It was a you/your mistake.

(not your/you're, obviously ;) )

ahhhhh, shows how much I know about the CTRL thingies.

I'm sure they'll work out it's supposed to be a your not a you.

Well, I've submitted my first thing in ages - a re-worked fave of mine which just happened to fit the theme.

It will be interesting to see what my boss would say if it got broadcast as he may recognise the scenario - he was the inspiration! :D

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ October 2 2009, 12:50 AM BST

I'm sure they'll work out it's supposed to be a your not a you.

I'm more sure it'll so offend their delicate sensibilities they'll ban all submissions from anyone who even looks like they know a Kevin Murphy... :D

Also ScriptSmart overrides Ctrl+S? that's just... Why? I use my own template for such things and I've never had any need to (or even thought about) breaking important built in short cuts... What were they thinking?

>shows how much I know about the CTRL thingies.
It's not just ctrl. My favourite Word short cut is Shift+f3. Select some text in word and try it....

Quote: Hennell @ October 2 2009, 1:28 AM BST

My favourite Word short cut is Shift+f3. Select some text in word and try it....

That's really useful! Ta!

I spent an hour last week finally making Word 'Paste Unformatted' by default. I'm sure I've already saved a couple of hours this week not swearing at the PC: "I don't want it in *f**king* html format! Stop it!"


Does RFTP accept sketches in word format or do they only want them in ScriptSmart? I sent in a sitcom to both sitcom trials and sitcom Saturday in FinalDraft - but sitcom Saturday said I had to reformat it in pdf. Couldn't manage that so I reformatted it in word instead.

Why can't we just go back to writing everything on the back of fag packets in an eyeliner pencil?

From the RFTP webpage:

"Sketches should be attached as a .doc or .rtf file (not Final Draft or .pdf, please) and titled [YOUR NAME] - [YOUR SKETCH]."

Don't think they care about scriptsmart. Most R4 comedy writers don't use it.

Quote: Yacob Wingnut @ October 2 2009, 10:39 AM BST

From the RFTP webpage:

"Sketches should be attached as a .doc or .rtf file (not Final Draft or .pdf, please) and titled [YOUR NAME] - [YOUR SKETCH]."

Don't think they care about scriptsmart. Most R4 comedy writers don't use it.

Bastards - hiding it away like that with the call to action!

I didn't get any sort of auto response, either. It's a bit disconcerting. Feels as though you've just thrown your sketches into a void. Errr

That's what I do nowadays... :)


Funnily enough, I threw my sketches into a void and got an automated response.

Mine was returned saying – Due to the vacuous nature of staff, the Void is unable to comment on unsolicited material.

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