British Comedy Guide

A bit long in the tooth these days.

Hello, I'm so glad I have happened across this website. I think it is structured really well . I have already ordered a couple of the recommended comedy books....I take it that is going to make all the difference right?

I love sitcoms. Hard to say which my favourites are? I like the really old classic ones; grew up watching Steptoe, Hancock's half hour, Porridge, Dad's Army, Fawlty Towers. I do like some of the American ones Seinfeld, Fraser but some of it I'm not that keen on.

I hate any news article that bangs on about the 'death of the sitcom' but it is so bloody frustrating that it is so hard to write one.

I can't wait until my new bibles arrive to show me the way. :)

Hi Dale, Welcome to the BSG Wave

I definately agree with you about this 'death of sitcom' thing. Its like when the BBC said that sketch shows were dead after Monty Python. Ridiculous.


Evening! (Well, morning now.)

But hello! :)

Welcome to the BSG.

Wave Wave Wave Wave Wave Mexican wave.....


Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at large. @ September 18, 2007, 1:23 AM

Pirate Pirate Pirate Pirate Pirate Mexican wave.....


I pirated it.

Welcome mate.





Hello Dale.

Hello Dale.

Hiya Dale! :)

Quote: Leevil @ September 18, 2007, 1:51 AM

I pirated it.

GROAN! Rolling eyes

Greets Dale

A hearty (and of course warm) welcome to you Dale.

Welcome Dale!

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