Monday 28th September 2009 11:11pm [Edited]
2,727 posts
Quote: Matthew Stott @ September 28 2009, 7:57 PM BST
Yes, it's good to pretend everything's black and white. Makes things easier.
Not for some, it seems...
Quote: DaButt @ September 28 2009, 4:48 PM BST
I read a depressing report that says the average African-American male will spend three years of his life in prison.
I read a report that says the average politically-correct white American replaces 'black American male' with 'African-American male'. I asked a Black-Brit mate of mine why this might be and he said, "'Cus most of 'em is Kloset Ku-Klux-Klan types, innit!"
Of course, after a stupid comment like that, he is no longer a mate of mine.