Not for the squeemish:
What YouTube video are you watching? Page 6
Quote: David Bussell @ September 25 2009, 3:50 PM BST
Am I the only one expecting a Roger Moore era Bond to turn up to retrieve his ball?
Quote: David Bussell @ September 25 2009, 3:50 PM BST
You just just put "dark" in front of all your posts bud.

Praise The Lord!!
Quote: Morrace @ September 25 2009, 6:37 PM BSTPraise The Lord!!
That's one funny doc. I laughed the whole way through the movie until the last 10 minutes when he scars you for life with his doomsday speech.
P.S. I hate baby videos as much as the next one but this kids got some moves yo.
My new Internet crush:
Quote: DaButt @ September 25 2009, 7:21 PM BSTMy new Internet crush:
Cool version of the song, but she looks too much like a cousin of mine to have a crush on her for me.
Not sure if it's been linked but -
Quote: Leevil @ September 28 2009, 5:59 PM BSTNot sure if it's been linked but -
That's nothing, this is freakishly awesome -
Some people just have too much time on their hands.
True, but I think it's technically/visually awesome.