British Comedy Guide

Guess the thing?

We've just found some old Christmas Crackers and in the spirit of pulling things, we popped these open. Along with the usual nail clippers, tiny screwdrivers, padlock and key, measuring tape, I "won" one of these "toys".

Anyone have any idea as to what the f**k it is and is for? I haven't got a ******* clue.


In the words of Paul Daniel's "that's magic!".

Seriously though it's a choking hazard - it even bloody says so. Can't you read boy?

A) Some novelty form of Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)? Prevents pregnancy and you can hang your car keys on it.

B) Some form of "money shot" enhancer. You put the cock ring on the base of the old chap, then push the spring down the Jap's eye? Distance and speed both improved. Errr

C) A pointless magic trick.

It's the recoil spring for a Browning P-35 Hi-Power 9mm pistol.

Quote: DaButt @ September 24 2009, 5:05 PM BST

*looks at Playstation 360*

*looks at the spring and ring puzzle*

*looks at Playstation 360*

*picks up the spring and ring puzzle*

Hehehe :D

*joins leevil with ball in a cup*

I love the padlock and keys.

Quote: Tim Walker @ September 24 2009, 5:03 PM BST

A) Some novelty form of Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD)? Prevents pregnancy and you can hang your car keys on it.

B) Some form of "money shot" enhancer. You put the cock ring on the base of the old chap, then push the spring down the Jap's eye? Distance and speed both improved. Errr

So how long did you last in the Urology Department?

Wow! :O:O:O:O:O That was a fun SIX hours of hoop and spring madness!!

Quote: Leevil @ September 24 2009, 11:30 PM BST

Wow! :O:O:O:O:O That was a fun SIX hours of hoop and spring madness!!

*looks at 360*

*looks at the Leevil's post about spring and ring puzzle*

*looks at 360*

*picks up the car keys and leaves the house*

He don't know what he missing Cool

Unless he's gone to the store to get himself a set?

Everything about crackers is sh*t. Hats, jokes, novelties - a complete waste of time & money.

Why can't they have woolly hats that last a lifetime, hilarious jokes you'd feel compelled to repeat and practical 'novelties' like a Black & Decker Workmate?

They puzzle store was closed.
*looks at 360*
*looks at homework that's due tonight*
*looks at 360*
*picks up controller* Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAAAAAN!

Quote: Geoff Mutton @ September 24 2009, 11:57 PM BST

Everything about crackers is sh*t. Hats, jokes, novelties - a complete waste of time & money.

Bah and humbug to you sir. What's wrong with you? Christmas only 3 months away and you're already dissing crackers?
Why, Christmas crackers are the very cornerstone of the great British yuletide. Where would we be on Christmas Day without the small plastic magnifying glass that doesn't so much magnify as distort your vision and make you feel queasy? Where would the festive magic be without those little plastic Poirot moustaches that cut painfully into your nose and make you wish you were sans septum like Kerry Katona? And God forbid we were ever to lose the red plastic witch's fingernail. Or the evil cellophane fortune telling fish that satanically curls up in your sprout-smelling hand.

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