Dolly Dagger
Tuesday 22nd September 2009 10:14pm
10,428 posts
Quote: Moonstone @ September 22 2009, 6:22 PM BST
Pale is lovely. Does anyone agree that pale skin is far more beautiful than tanned? Pale skin, dark hair and bright lipstick is a combo that made Anna on Hotel Babylon so feckin booodiful.
If I understand correctly everyone seems to think that if any woman who has some cleavage showing it's okay for a man to stare at it and make a comment to her? Why does anyone have to stare or comment? If someone goes out who has a facial deformity or a phyisical disability than it's okay to stare and comment?
Personally I dress pretty conservatively these days, but I have been known to go out clubbing in, say, hotpants and a bikini top in the past. And no I wasn't wearing it to attract men (I would probably have been with my husband at the time or in a gay club). Do I feel men could then make comments about what I'm wearing? No, that's just f**king rude. Just as it's rude to point out someone is fat, etc.
It's like the assumption that you're blonde and therefore must be dumb or want to people to think you are. This pisses me off big time.