JUDGE ; Now then Mr Johnson. You are accused of reporting a robbery. How do you plead?
MR JOHNSON : I found Mr Briggs in my premises with a bag of my possesions.
JUDGE : Just answer the question. How do you plead?
MR JOHNSON : Not guilty of course.
JUDGE : Prosecuting counsel You can proceed.
PROSECUTER : Now then Mr Johnson. Can you takeme through your account of the evening of April 18th.
MR JOHNSON : Mr Briggs broke into my premises by smashing a window.
PROSECUTER : What did you expect him to do? You'd locked all the doors.
MR JOHNSON : This is ridiculous.
JUDGE : I must warn you Mr Johnson that another outburst like that and I will charge you with comtempt of court. You may proceed Mr Prosecuting Counsel.
PROSECUTER : Thank you m'lud. And did you Mr Johnson then arrive home unexpectedly?
MR JOHNSON : That is correct.
PROSECUTER : Don't you think that was a little unreasonable?
JUDGE (BANGING HIS GAVEL) : Order, order. I've warned you once Mr Johnson. Next time I will carry out my threat. Carry on.
PROSECUTER : And then you proceeded to prevent Mr Briggs from leaving your premises.
MR JOHNSON : Wouldn't you?
JUDGE : Just answer the question Mr Johnson.
MR JOHNSON : Yes - that is correct.
PROSECUTER : And you then hit Mr Briggs with an umbrella. This while Mr Briggs was just trying to carry out his chosen occupation.
MR JOHNSON : But he pushed me over and ran away.
PROSECUTER : And to cap it all you then proceeded to ring the police to report the incident.
MR JOHNSON : That is correct.
PROSECUTER : Don't you think the police have enough to occupy their time? They have an abundance of paperwork to complete. You really shouldn't be wasting their time.
JUDGE : I agree. So is this a correct record of events Mr Johnson?
MR JOHNSON : Yes your honour.
JUDGE : Then I have no hesitation in finding you guilty as charged. I sentence you to 5 years hard labour. Case dismissed.
MR JOHNSON : But your honour ...
JUDGE : Take him away. Not what is the next case?
COURT OFFICER : A paedophile baby sitter who was beaten up by the father of the child.
JUDGE : I abhor violence. Let us proceed.