Katy Brand's Big Ass Show: potentially ITV's first hit sketch show for a long time, or another dud?
It starts next month. Pre-judge it now:
Lilly Allen spoof (Windows Media Player video - warning some strong language)*
Binge drinking sketch (Windows Media Player video).
I thought the Lilly Allen sketch was great - if that attention to detail and budget is retained through out the show it could be a winner IMHO.
(If you are wondering who Katy Brand is you might recognise her from Comedy Cuts or the never-going-to-be-funny Tittybangbang.)
* The full version of the song is on YouTube. Love the lyrics: "I can't help it if I grew up on a council estate, well when I say 'grew up' I didn't grow up but I've been to one... well I've walked past one".