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Little Britain

Right, I thought I'd start the Little Britain thread saying as I'm such a big fan!
Ive not actually introduced myself yet so here we go...
I'm Michael. Done!
You can see a pic of me with Lucas & Walliams on my site homepage :P

So, any other fans here??

The Little Britain Live Tour DVD will be out very soon plus other great pieces of merchandise!

Goodbye for now. Wave

I'm a fan, certainly. I love the humour, the offensiveness and the acting. Simply brilliant!


I would like to hear your opinion on the stance that Little Britain essentially recycles the same jokes over and over again. For instance, the incontinent old lady... we get it, she pees in public - but does it need to be repeated 6 times?


Ahh true.
Mrs Emery and her uncontrolled bodily functions is not my favourite character. That is the only character that I think is slightly gone too far.

My favourite characters would be Lou & Andy and Sebastian. Now they do make me laugh even if its a repeat :D

I like Little Britan but I did not really like any of the new characters in series 3 apart from Desiree and Ting Tong and Mr Dudley. I love series two though with Bubbles, Marjorie, Viv and Dr Low. I felt with Series 3 they were trying too hard as some Vicky Pollard sketches felt like thos really bad impressions you see although some of her sketches were good like the Phone Line and Babysitting. The man on his death bed was awful imo. I loved the Bubbles/Roman and Desiree story over series 2 and 3.

I loved the first series of Little Britain, and series 2 was pretty good too. Series three though... Well, I don't know where to start. It was, for me, just painful. (And the live show even moreso.)

(Oh, and it's not really a sitcom, is it? Moved to Sketch forum.)

I find it amusing, but not hilarious. And I dislike the fact that at any awards show Little Britain wins best comedy without fail so no one else can get a look in. But I suppose that's not their fault.
Maybe now they're doing the American series, some other comedies can get some attention...

I did love Matt Lucas when he was George Dawes on Shooting Stars. Some of those songs were genius.

Yep it's not their fault they keep winning awards lol They're just too good :P
I enjoyed the live show - espcially enjoyed meeting Matt & David FOUR times :D
I prefer Series 1 out of all of them - not because of the characters but because it's the first time I would have seen it (of course) and that's when I started to design my Little Britain site.

I forget it's not a sitcom! :$

ZOOO, just seen your display pic! I too is a Boosh fan :D

Little Britain is imo a far weaker remake of League of Gentlemen with all the schlock hammer horror removed. Much as i like the shorter fatter duncan goodhew clone, how often has that guy in a wheelchair gone swimming as a punchline? Too often and never in enough shark-infested water for my liking.

Repetitive catchphrases are imo the weakest of all sketch formats. It's a pavlovian type trigger that tells a lazy viewer when they are supposed to laugh. And LB is filled with it. "yes sir, no sir, but yes but no" A catchphrase designed to make the viewer feel safe with the 'familiar set-up' is fine but it should never be mistaken for (or ever replace) a punchline. The best repeated weekly formats are those where the climax is taken to a higher comedic, more extreme, more violent end.

Why has LB won so many awards? I can only assume because comedy is now a chic form of fashion statement. Comedy is the new Rock (and judging by the charts, Rock is the new Comedy). Many people follow a show just to be in the 'in crowd' associated with the brand. God, how many bus-stops echo to shrieks of laughter as nicked catchphrases are repeated ad-infinitum to mates spluttering 'special brew' through their nostrils? Hmm, one more reason to dismantle the public transport system, i think. I can see the sketch show of tomorrow lasting less than 60 seconds as we dispense with all the 'fluff' and just state the excised punchlines.

Even Orwell's vision of the future seems brighter than that. At least there independent thought still existed (albeit as a crime)

Here's to writing and creating comedy that relies on its substance and not it's fashion statement.


(Oh, I've seen that photo so many times.)

In my opinion, Little Britain was good for the first 5 mins. Then when it got extremely repetitive, it was just annoying.

If I hear "Yeah I know" again, I might kill myself.

... all that pointless merchandise was just the last nail in the coffin.

I loathe Little Britain. Same jokes every week, which if they were even vaguely funny would be okay but their just not. The only reason it's so popular is because people feel they have to enjoy it. Well i think so anyway. It has good catchphrases but that's about it. I just completely detest it. And it's a shame because I used to like David Walliams, and in particular Matt Lucas. But that show is just too damn awful. I HATE it.

I quite like the show, however I do agree with the point made about the same jokes getting recycled over and over again. In my opinion Rock Profile(also written and starring Walliams and Lucas) was a better show.

Yeah Rock Profile was miles better

Rightio... nobody likes it here. Goodbye.

And Jessie, you would have seen the pic already - you are a member of the Little Britain message board!

Quote: lbfan @ August 29, 2006, 10:32 PM

Rightio... nobody likes it here. Goodbye.

That's no reason to leave a message board, imo.

People are allowed to have their opinions and it's through message boards such as this that we can discuss, debate and learn about other people's views. It helps us gain a broader perspective on life. To run away as soon as someone disagrees with you is, I'm afraid to say, weak.

Stand up for what you believe it, lbfan! But most of all, have fun and don't take anything to heart. You're a fan of Little Britain, you've made a whole site dedicated to it... fight your cause and maybe, just maybe, some people will turn around and say 'ah.... good point, I never thought about it like that' (or something to that effect).

You can't change opinions, but you can make yours count.

Go for it! :)

Thanks :)
It's just everyone in here that has posted doesn't like it and I realise now it's a 'Sitcom' message board and Little Britain is a sketch show so I guess I shouldn't have started the topic really.

I like Rock Profile as many have said in here but somehow, it's not as funny as the first time people see Little Britain. But I guess when Rock Profile was first launched on TV, I would have laughed. But years later, I don't. But I am still a fan of Rock Profile lol

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