If you could have any fictional pet dog - who'd ya have?
Mine would be - Scooby Doo
If you could have any fictional pet dog - who'd ya have?
Mine would be - Scooby Doo
Eddie Crane
Goober from Goober and the ghost chasers. A dog that could go invisible, except for his red wooley hat.
Ooops, maybe Mutley
Freeway was the dog from Hart to Hart
Spotty Dog from the Wooden Tops
For me, it would be Rochelle O'Shea from the satircal webcomic Newshounds.
Any of Dr Who's assistants... (not bloody K-9)
MUST be Eddie Crane
yay I love it when he gets into the lift to take himself for a walk because nobody wants to!
Potsworth from Potsworth and Company.