Just finishing Vanilla Ride by Joe R Lansdale, familiar but fun.
What are you reading right now? Page 80
Pandaemonium by Christopher Brookmyre. Very good so far, as usual for Brookmyre.
I just started reading American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh & The Oklahoma City Bombing. I visited the memorial and museum last weekend when I was in Oklahoma City and wanted to learn more about the idiot who killed 168 innocent people.
Here's a photo of the memorial I took with my iPhone. The building in the background used to be a newspaper office. It was heavily damaged and now houses the museum.

Twilight - Stephanie Meyer.
I avoided it thinking I was going to think it was mush. Actually, I really like this mush! It's great... and I am in love with a Vampire.
About to reread Borderliners by Peter Hoeg.
Way better than Smillas feeling for snow.
Quote: EllieJP @ September 18 2009, 9:19 AM BSTActually, I really like this mush! It's great... and I am in love with a Vampire.
This happened few months ago. My wife, after finishing Twilight, said dreamily:
- I would have loved to be this vampire's girl, when I was fifteen...
I'm reading "Brezhnev: the Golden Age" by Russian historian Boris Sokolov. I don't think this has been translated into English.
Quote: sootyj @ September 18 2009, 9:27 AM BSTWay better than Smillas feeling for snow.
I sincerely doubt it is. Smilla's sense of snow totally rocks.
'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde.
Quote: The Rook @ September 19 2009, 12:51 PM BST'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde.
Just finished Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. Feckin great book, love this writer. Dabutt you have an author to be mega proud of there, a future great I reckon.
Quote: Moonstone @ September 20 2009, 11:29 PM BSTJust finished Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. Feckin great book, love this writer. Dabutt you have an author to be mega proud of there, a future great I reckon.
He'll never amount to anything.

Quote: DaButt @ September 20 2009, 11:33 PM BSTHe'll never amount to anything.
It looks like he's been forced in the chair and taken there against his will
Quote: JuliaC @ September 13 2009, 2:22 PM BSTPandaemonium by Christopher Brookmyre. Very good so far, as usual for Brookmyre.
Hmm, just finished this. Great book but not sure about the ending...lots of questions...
Quote: Moonstone @ September 20 2009, 11:29 PM BSTJust finished Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked This Way Comes. Feckin great book, love this writer. Dabutt you have an author to be mega proud of there, a future great I reckon.
Bradbury's a great writer. I particularly love his short stories, although Faranheit 451 is very good too. He's also no mean screenwriter, and I believe wrote the script to Moby Dick.
Quote: chipolata @ September 23 2009, 3:14 PM BSTBradbury's a great writer. I particularly love his short stories, although Faranheit 451 is very good too. He's also no mean screenwriter, and I believe wrote the script to Moby Dick.
Totally agree, SWTWC was the first novel of his I read - before that it was the short stories in their various collections. What an amazing imagination to keep churning out such gold, and his prose style is almost poetry.
Faranheit is next on my list, I was torn between that and Dandelion Wine, but so much fuss is made about the former that I think I'll probably go with that one.