Thursday 17th September 2009 9:54pm
6,604 posts
Quote: Nogget @ September 17 2009, 6:44 PM BST
I think it's only our expectations that demand resolution as an ending. In comedy, Python did away with the punchline, and while it was uncomfortable at first, we got used to it. Sure, there was no resolution, but they demonstrated that it's over-rated; their sketches 'resolved' themselves all the way through.
But a sketch is not a film or even a short story. Even Python realized their films had to have some sort of 'resolution' or ending.
Holy Grail = King Arthir and Sir Buedeviere make it to the castle only to find it already occupied by the French. Arthur calls in a huge army to attack them, but they are stopped by the police just as they are charging.
Life of Brian=Brian ends up being crucified. A group of guards shows up with orders to release Brian, but then everyone claims to be Brian, and they end up releasing the wrong man. Then Brian's resistance group (along with his girlfriend) shows up, and they announce that Brian will become a martyr. Finally, a Crack Suicide Squad shows up, but they merely kill themselves, not doing much good. We fade out as all the crucified people sing "Always look on the bright side of life".
Meaning of Life = It literarily says 'The End of the Film' and the woman says what 'the meaning of life' is. That's pretty good for what most would consider a mash up of skits.