Martin H
Wednesday 12th September 2007 12:45am [Edited]
1,663 posts
Hmm that is slightly strange, I think every true comedy fan should have Seinfeld in their collection and it shows your respect for comedy that even though it didn't make you laugh that much you still see how great the show is.
But yeah, personally I think Seinfeld is one of if not THE funniest sitcom ever created. I'm thinking maybe that it may be wise to start at the beginning, you say you've only seen the odd episode before watching all of Season 8, I think to appreciate some of the "in-gags" and character traits it's probably best to watch previous seasons in full.
Season 1-3 while not the best seasons still have many classic episodes like The Chinese Restuarant, The Limo, The Boyfriend etc. And these seasons help you get to grips with these characters and all their quirky habits. Season 4 is where it goes from being a quality show to a classic show, it really hits it's stride and every episode they churn out is just pure brilliance, character wise, plot wise and funny-wise. From Season 4-7 I think almost every single episode is great bar one or two duff ones. Season 8 is the first season after Larry David left and the quality does drop slightly and it becomes a little wackier, but saying that they are still lots of really funny episodes like The English Patient and The Yada Yada.
I'd suggest buying the early boxsets and working your way through, you can pick them up relatively cheap now online or in shops like Virgin Megastore. This is what I did, I'd seen an episode once before on TV and wrote it off as a "typical laughter track American sitcom" (oh how small-minded I once was). Then a few years later I saw The Boyfriend episode on Paramount and it just blew me away, I watched a few more and realised that this show is a lot more special than I once thought. So gradually I got all the boxsets and it's cemented itself in my mind as one of the greatest sitcoms of all time.
(that post became a lot more long-winded than necessary