Marc P
Tuesday 8th September 2009 1:56am [Edited]
17,698 posts
[quote name="Renegade Carpark" post="491569" date="September 7 2009, 10:19 PM BST"]I give a shit Marc as my license fee is going towards making it.[/link]
Ah yes. What percentage do you think?
'A re-hash of an old panel game also denies newer talent from coming in and establishing it's own following.'
Ah yes. New talent. Loads of that about.
'Yes, I am deconstructing it and as a viewer and a member of the BCG forum, analyzing comedy is kind of de rigueur on this site.'
You are not analysing it in any kind of intelligent way you are just moaning about it being back in it's original sucessful form which people are enjoying, more fool them.
'I am voicing an opinion that the new series of Shooting Stars in not ground breaking in any way and I'm disappointed.'
Yeah a returning series is not ground breaking in any way! Odd that.
'I could just write f**k and leave it at that. But I'm not as intelligent or erudite as your good self.
Yeah you could but wouldn't that be a bit personal?