British Comedy Guide

Little Things That Make You Smile Page 26

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 2 2009, 9:04 PM BST

More likely she would have been trampled under foot. :D

By one of them giant super horses?

By me. :D

Twas a f**king great horse though.

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 2 2009, 9:11 PM BST

By me. :D

Twas a f**king great horse though.

It was like four regular horses bungee tied together! Never seen anything like it. The bastard would of cooked well I bet.

I think it was 10 men in a costume.

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 2 2009, 9:15 PM BST

I think it was 10 men in a costume.

#10 men in disguise#


Aaron singing along to '90s boyband music. :)

Quote: zooo @ September 3 2009, 4:35 PM BST

Aaron singing along to '90s boyband music. :)


Oh, wait, I actually mean Sick .

( :P )

Now you just have to search out a Nil/Julia one and you're three for three. (As I believe our American cousins put it.)

Leave us out of this.

Whatever 'this' is.

Quote: Nil Putters @ September 3 2009, 4:50 PM BST



Oh, wait, I actually mean Sick

( :P )



Quote: Gavin @ September 2 2009, 8:00 PM BST

Huuut huut hhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

:O! Oh. My. God. Want Pez dispenser like that please, now.

:D tis awesome!

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