British Comedy Guide

Slagg Brothers

Hi all
Slagg Brothers signing in.
You can find out about us at:

You can read about our nearly famous occasional co-writer at our sister site:

Thanks for your time.

If life is a box of chocolates, how come i ended up with all the coffee creams?

Good to see you here. :)

Out of curiousity checked out how my intro to the group went a year back.

F&*K me ... is this all we rated?

Aaron only replied because the silence became embarrassing.

:O Laughing out loud

Is that tumbleweed I see?

Welcome, welcome oh wait, hogging the Intro forum! Boo! Boycott the Slaggs everyone, boycott them good!

Read the sign *points to sign* 'Tresspassers aren't welcome' And the other sign *points to other sign* 'Stop staring at out tumbleweed'

Thats my way of saying welcome to the BSG Wave Even though you were here before me. But i've seen Q in Star Trek so its possible to bend the Time Space Continuim and say hello.


I'm afraid you can't come in wearing trainers...oh it's the Slaggs! Right this way Sirs, we have the hookers and cocaine you ordered, all dyed green as promised.

Don't worry, I'll use this thread to talk about you fellas.

Why the name? I'm sure I read somewhere a bit about you and why you chose the name, but I think I might have dreamt that.

Gotta be one of those Welsh Heritage things like the ASBO Brothers would be English I suppose!
And what happened to all those coffee creams?!?

Quote: Seefacts @ September 5, 2007, 11:03 PM

Why the name?

It originally started as Slag Brothers. That was the name we used on a music CD we produced because we liked the gender confusion between slag and brother.

When we moved into comedy (some say they're still waiting for us to do that) we took the name with us but, on getting a few scared responses from within the media (mostly local), we decided to soften the impact to the real surname 'Slagg' although we retain the old sense in our SlagA / SlagB names.

We tend to explain away the name as the use of one of our surnames or that it's to do with the coal industry but the roots were always a dig at gender lines.

Cheers for asking.

Hi Slag A and welcomeWave

Neat Back to the Future(ish) twist on the intro thread!

Huh? Should I be here now, or have I still not arrived yet?

Jude, you're floating in that thin void between time and space, you are neither, here or there, but you are there and here.

And it's all good:)

In a weird, time bendy, spaced-out kinda way!

The Doctor can explain all the timey wimey stuff.

Welcome Slagg Bros, I think you'll fit in well here.

He can Zooo. Shall we demand the Dr comes on here now!

Welcome to the Slaggs! Laughing out loud

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