Greetings from across the pond. Page 2
Hey, what's an 'anglophile'? I've got an anglegrinder but it doesn't do philing very well ... I use a phlippin' phile for that.
Someone who loves English things.
I first heard that word on Frasier, as Niles confesses to be "quite the 'Anglophile'".
Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 31, 2007, 6:36 PMDo people always spell your name with a C?...yeah its just something I wonder...mine is always spelt with an I >_<
They do! My whole life. Can't find any of those novelty pencils with my name on them.
Hi there Erik and welcome
Have fun!
Quote: Erik @ September 5, 2007, 9:50 PMThey do! My whole life. Can't find any of those novelty pencils with my name on them.
I have that problem too!
I have a badge and some stickers...and I once had a pen...but thats all