British Comedy Guide

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Little Women. :-)


Musicians' and Songwriters' Yearbook


The biography by the late Harry Thompson is far less of a hagiography and a great read. Lin Cook was a very manipulative, insensitive and selfish person around the time of, and in the years subsequent to, Peter's death.

Quote: Tim Walker @ August 8 2009, 9:39 PM BST

The biography by the late Harry Thompson is far less of a hagiography and a great read. Lin Cook was a very manipulative, insensitive and selfish person around the time of, and in the years subsequent to, Peter's death.

Have you read the biography by his first wife, Wendy Cook? Christ, it's awful . . .

No, I heard it wasn't exactly great. I thought HT's was fairly definitive. I don't trust biographies by people with, shall we say, vested interests. Was it a bit of a one-sided story, concentrating too much on his personal life?

'A Very unimportant Officer'...I love reading accounts and eye witness details, I find it fascinating.

Quote: Tim Walker @ August 8 2009, 11:18 PM BST

No, I heard it wasn't exactly great. I thought HT's was fairly definitive. I don't trust biographies by people with, shall we say, vested interests. Was it a bit of a one-sided story, concentrating too much on his personal life?

It was basically all about her, her unintersting 'feelings'; she basically came across as very self involved and unlikeable. She claims Cook once hit her after she cheated on him; after reading the whole book, I didn't blame him-! :D

A lot of star biographies from over here are like that. They're just rubbish.

I was reading one of those 'Re-teach yourself Math books" but I've put it down permanently because it only wants to teach you how to do Math with a calculator....I already know how to do that, why would I need a book?
Stupid book.

Back of a cereal box, cholesterol information, very uninteresting.


Cheerios. Yes, they lower your cholesterol but they smell like urine for some reason. Blech!

Carole Morin - Lampshades. Quite good.

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