Quote: zooo @ August 6 2009, 8:59 PM BSTpure
That was the bit I got to when I spat out my tea!
Quote: zooo @ August 6 2009, 8:59 PM BSTpure
That was the bit I got to when I spat out my tea!
Quote: zooo @ August 6 2009, 8:59 PM BSTWriting and stuff.
Ah. Tell them Die Hard is your favourite Christmas story like I did that alienate you from the class instantly. good times.
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ August 6 2009, 9:00 PM BSTThat was the bit I got to when I spat out my tea!
Quote: Gavin @ August 6 2009, 9:00 PM BSTAh. Tell them Die Hard is your favourite Christmas story like I did that alienate you from the class instantly. good times.
Ha, will do.
Frankie Boyle needs a shave =/
telling the police that legally I don't need to give my name and watching them radio in that I'm breaking the law doing that and then being told their wrong.. makes me smile
Quote: zooo @ August 6 2009, 9:03 PM BST
Ha, will do.
They laughed at me then.
Then they laughed at me when I said Vertigo was shit.
Quote: Gavin @ August 6 2009, 9:00 PM BSTAh. Tell them Die Hard is your favourite Christmas story like I did that alienate you from the class instantly. good times.
My sister. She says some very funny things that have inspired me.
Quote: zooo @ August 6 2009, 8:34 PM BSTHaving only 2 weeks and one day left at my job.
Are you moving to London then?
Gaggles of geese, just milling around.
Quote: EllieJP @ August 7 2009, 9:11 AM BSTAre you moving to London then?
No, am having a few weeks off first to faff about.
Ah faffing is as good as frolicking. Enjoy!
Giant Chocolate Buttons!
My son taking pictures of everything at the zoo, except for the lethargic, pitiful looking animals...I have pictures of the restrooms, a leaf, a picnic table, a lady whose ass appears to be eating her dress...lots of memories.
Quote: AndreaLynne @ August 8 2009, 2:00 PM BSTMy son taking pictures of everything at the zoo, except for the lethargic, pitiful looking animals...I have pictures of the restrooms, a leaf, a picnic table, a lady whose ass appears to be eating her dress...lots of memories.
There must be millions of photos of animals. I like his originality.