I don't post all that often on here but I was just wondering if you guys would cast your peepers over this pitch for a kids' comedy idea I've had. Does it grab you? Bore you? Does it make you want to read the script?
Fourteen year old Jamie Crockett is a weed. Deeply asthmatic and allergic to almost everything, his life is a constant uphill struggle, not exactly aided by his bullying big brother Kyle, and the fact that the love of his life, Cat Perkins, hardly knows he even exists.
For all his physical failings though, Jamie has a brave soul. Which is just as well - because pretty soon he'll find himself on an almost suicidal intergalactic quest to save the world and everyone on it from an evil race of alien gastronomes, the dreaded Zorbians.
50 years ago, on a food scouting mission, the intergalactic food processing giant 'Zorbian Comestibles' stumbled across an insignificant, moist little planet called 'Earth'. After sampling just about every lifeform on the planet, they found little to please their highly-advanced palates, but made a most unexpected discovery - the worst-tasting substance in the known universe. Truly foul, it surpassed even the crusty armpit of a Jerovian Tag-Wrestler. It trounced the belly-button fluff of a Vorasian Dung-Hog. Indeed, even the slimy toe-jam of a Centauriian Canker-Lizard was nothing compared to this substance…
Human ear-wax.
Director Zylo, the CEO of Zorbian Comestibles, began to hatch an evil plan - a plan that would eliminate his business rivals, McFroggles, and put Zorbian Comestibles back at the top of the food production chain, where it belonged. He would introduce harvested human earwax into McFroggles products, putting them out of business.
Over the next 50 years, millions of 'ape-cattle' - or 'humans', were unwittingly abducted and electronically 'tagged' with nasal implants, and the Zorbians left, awaiting the right time to return.
Now though, their hand has been forced. An Earthboy named Jamie Crockett has sneezed his implant out, and with the help of his crazy science teacher, Mr Bibby has uncovered the Zorbian's nefarious (and altogether disgusting) plan. The Zorbians need to get to Earth quickly and begin the earwax harvest, but first they're going to find and kill the person who has caused them such inconvenience. The person who has dared to remove the sophisticated tracking device, surgically grafted into his sinus cavity. In the not-too comforting words of Jamie's
insane Science teacher…
"The aliens are coming to get you, laddie"
'Jamie Crockett, Earthboy' is a fast-paced sci-fi comedy romp with a tender story of unrequited love at its heart, as well as a strong underlying message that, no matter what cards you've been dealt in life, a brave and resilient outlook will always win through in the end.
Despite being a seven-stone weakling, Jamie Crockett is about to become the world's biggest hero since Superman…or at the very least, Super Ted!