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How good are you at dealing with criticism? Page 7

I'm not particularly good at giving criticism myself. Usually you'll just get a "Yep, liked it." from me. It doesn't add much towards the sketch itself. But I'd like the writer to know they "did-a-good" and that their on the right direction to a collection of decent sketches.

I sometimes suggest alternative lines or punches. But feel like I'm stepping on toes. So unless it's requested, I don't normally bother.

If I don't "get" a sketch, I think it's good mention it. As they'll get an idea of its demographic. Not the most important thing. But in my example, a lot of topical sketches will go over my head, whereas mixing it with slapstick or whatever humour I understand, you'll get an extra viewer - if that's what's wanted.

I have been feisty of late telling editors to keeps things in.

They don't always listen.


Oh, yeah DI P-Dough has been promoted to C.I P. Cool

Quote: Sebastian Orange-News @ August 2 2009, 3:26 PM BST

morrace are you joking with your comments on leevil I assume you are-if so yo ahve done wel to paordy the harsh critcism that is made on bcg

Now I can answer your question Sebastian!!

You assumed correctly - and thank you. :)

Quote: Sebastian Orange-News @ August 2 2009, 3:42 PM BST

this is my point about ciritcism. I agree leevil you do actually appear good at taking critsicsm(apart from your name) but I would say that moraces critcs of your work was phrased badly- even though eh celary didnt like it I think there are much nicer ways to put it so it is cotnrctuve as opposed to try to rock someone ocnfdience.

Hey, you two!! Lighten up! I could do a similar spoof 'crit' on Shakespeare!!

No in books the writer kinda has the last word. I was talking about telly stuff.

Quote: Morrace @ August 2 2009, 3:54 PM BST

Now I can answer your question Sebastian!!

You assumed correctly - and thank you. :)

I actually had to deeply reflect on myself and my writing attempts to answer that post. Teary And it was just a joke?! A parody?!!

I liked it :D Although, I'd of included more puns :)

Quote: Leevil @ August 2 2009, 4:00 PM BST

I actually had to deeply reflect on myself and my writing attempts to answer that post. Teary And it was just a joke?! A parody?!!

I liked it :D Although, I'd of included more puns :)

With more puns, sunshine - you wouldn't have taken the bait! ;)

Quote: Morrace @ August 2 2009, 4:04 PM BST

With more puns, sunshine - you wouldn't have taken the bait! ;)

Nonsense. I'm always up for a pun-down. What do-ya say? We draw at pun-set?

Quote: Griff @ August 2 2009, 3:46 PM BST

Why have you suddenly started spelling like Sooty? You used to be able to spell reasonably well. Have you had a stroke or something?

I am not a similee I am a free man!

Sorry morace. I asumed from leevil reaction that you weren't joking. my mistake. was a very worhty crtique parody.

Quote: Marc P @ August 2 2009, 3:52 PM BST

I have been feisty of late telling editors to keeps things in.

Ooooh! Matron!

Quote: Sebastian Orange-News @ August 2 2009, 4:15 PM BST

Sorry morace. I asumed from leevil reaction that you weren't joking. my mistake. was a very worhty crtique parody.

Thanks again. Seb. :)

I answered honestly, whether Morrace was joking or not. It doesn't bother me either way. As long as the attention was on me, me, ME!

But seriously. You'd have to try damn hard to upset me over the internet. Please don't take that as a challenge. I don't want to see my family kidnapped and tortured. Thank you.

Your name is an anagram of El Vile who sounds like a Luchador that doesn't wash.

Quote: sootyj @ August 2 2009, 4:21 PM BST

Your name is an anagram of El Vile who sounds like a Luchador that doesn't wash.

Laughing out loud

It's pronounced, Lee-vill. Which, I presume is how most of you interpret it? I originally, somehow imagined it being pronounced as, El-evil. Don't ask how I thought that would work though.

Quote: Leevil @ August 2 2009, 4:26 PM BST

It's pronounced, Lee-vill. Which, I presume is how most of you interpret it?

I do, Le Evil!! > The Evil in French! :O

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