Your name is pretty average.
How good are you at dealing with criticism? Page 6
Well, "Sebastian" let me tell you this...
When I was a child, there was a man. He came to me once a year, every year. He wore a big red costume and had a big white beard.
He liked my name, he liked it!
I used to take criticism and rejection very hard. I don't now. There's no point. When you've worked on something for so long and somebody just sends you an e-mail saying "This isn't for me', I just say to myself 'well f**k you then', that tends to help me move on rather quickly.
Leevil. That gentleman sounds like a peodo- hence I feel my oppinion is far more valid than his. Your name is pretty average.
I am good at dealing with criticism and anyone who says I am not is a c**t.
Quote: Sebastian Orange-News @ August 2 2009, 4:31 AM BSTLeevil. That gentleman sounds like a peodo- hence I feel my oppinion is far more valid than his. Your name is pretty average.
He was only convicted once! A man can change, he can change!
Quote: Griff @ August 2 2009, 9:52 AM BSTGood criticism is worth its weight in gold. I had about 90 minutes of criticism down the phone about my play from the director, which was terrific. Mostly because it wasn't phrased in an accusatory "this bit is crap" way, but in a "why is this person saying this, why is this happening, can you explain this bit" way
--- which is a nice way of saying, "why is this person saying this piece of crap, why is this shit happening, can you explain this bit of crap"
Quote: Griff @ August 2 2009, 1:46 PM BSTAlso it's much easier to work on rewrites with someone who is respectful than someone who is arrogant.
Yes, the idea that everyone in TV is brutal and just says 'this is shit', as some claim on here when they use similar language in critique, is just untrue. I've worked with quite a few producers now, and not once have they used that kind of aggresive, disrespectful language if there's something they didn't like or get. Obviously some people will, but then you get twats in all walks of life.
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 30 2009, 9:55 PM BSTCriticism is easy to take if you know in your heart the critic is right. It's when you're forced to take criticism from somebody who clearly knows f**k all about anything that it becomes a bitter pill.
When're you in Edinburgh Sammy? I'll be bobbing through there myself - not sure when yet - probably the last week of Aug.
(By the way, I think Kevin Murphy's brusque answer was merely a humourous riff on your original "taking criticism" point.)
and it was also a great non-constructive criticism made me laugh, if that's anything to go off
Quote: Morrace @ August 2 2009, 1:37 PM BST--- which is a nice way of saying, "why is this person saying this piece of crap, why is this shit happening, can you explain this bit of crap"
Quote: Griff @ August 2 2009, 1:46 PM BSTNo, Morrace you missed my point. Sometimes there was a perfectly good reason for the line, which just wasn't clear. Sometimes, it was a piece of crap that needed to go. But instead of judgements being made, the question was asked, and so some lines stayed in with a rewrite and the play was better as a result. If the feedback had been "this line is crap get rid of it" for everything the director didn't understand on first read, it would have been much less constructive.
Also it's much easier to work on rewrites with someone who is respectful than someone who is arrogant.
Sorry, Griff. I did get your point. It's just that I'm the eternal cynic!
I got your point griff. It can be easy not to listen to advice if they devlier it in a harsh arragonat way.
Also I have found that sometimes certain people who have spent years crtiqirng work (not necesarily producers) can tend to point out mistakes robotically, as they might be common mistakes they've dealt with thousands of times, however this automatic response means they don't consider whther your instance of breaking a 'rule' actally works.
Quote: Leevil @ August 1 2009, 8:55 AM BSTHow good am I at dealing with criticism?
I'm f**king awesome! Go on, critique me!!
I'll 'bring it on, then!
This re. your ''Lovely Day' sketch > > >
Why are some so-called 'comedy' writers so devoid of a sense of humour? Leevil is trying hard to convince people that he is actually funny. To begin with, the sketch 'Lovely Day' is a consummate example of disastrously bad 'comedy' writing. For example; this piece of dialogue by 'RON'
Ron reaches down the side of the bench and rips of some grass and smells it.
Why on Earth does 'RON' say that? Why is he talking about himself in the third person? I hate to say this but most of Leevil's writing is comedy-starved drivel that leaves the reader confused - not amused. His older postings were inane enough. This one is truly beyond the pale.
You have been 'critiqued'.
morrace are you joking with your comments on leevil I assume you are-if so yo ahve done wel to paordy the harsh critcism that is made on bcg
Quote: Morrace @ August 2 2009, 3:23 PM BSTRON
Ron reaches down the side of the bench and rips of some grass and smells it.
Thanks for pointing that out. Now edited
Damn, the critique section is useful
Quote: Morrace @ August 2 2009, 3:23 PM BSTWhy are some so-called 'comedy' writers so devoid of a sense of humour?
I'm more of a comedy writer enthusiast. I'm still honing my skills. But I appreciate your feedback of all of my work in general. I must try harder.
Quote: Morrace @ August 2 2009, 3:23 PM BSTLeevil is trying hard to convince people that he is actually funny.
I don't think I try that hard. And that might be the problem. As proven in my latest "Catchphrase" sketch.
Quote: Morrace @ August 2 2009, 3:23 PM BSTTo begin with, the sketch 'Lovely Day' is a consummate example of disastrously bad 'comedy' writing. For example; this piece of dialogue by 'RON'
Ron reaches down the side of the bench and rips of some grass and smells it.Why on Earth does 'RON' say that? Why is he talking about himself in the third person?
Not bad going there, if the only example you produced is just a typo.
Quote: Morrace @ August 2 2009, 3:23 PM BSTI hate to say this but most of Leevil's writing is comedy-starved drivel that leaves the reader confused - not amused. His older postings were inane enough. This one is truly beyond the pale.
I think my main problem is a rush my work and don't give myself enough time to pad it out. What I normally present myself as is, half baked ideas and loose gags, tied together with cheap puns.
I'm really, only encouraged and inspired by the positive feedback I receive. And when I receive negative feedback, I try to take on board what is said. But I never let it get me down. I suppose I'm quite thick-skinned. But if I'm honest, I always know I could've done better, if I tried harder. But never do.
Thank you for your honesty, and feedback on that sketch.
this is my point about ciritcism. I agree leevil you do actually appear good at taking critsicsm(apart from your name) but I would say that moraces critcs of your work was phrased badly- even though eh celary didnt like it I think there are much nicer ways to put it so it is cotnrctuve as opposed to try to rock someone ocnfdience.