I'm off, people. I've got a lot of stuff going on in my life (none of it success related, sadly) and I've decided sitting at my PC doing anything other than writing isn't a good idea.
It's all been very amusing over the last few years - and it was through here I got in touch with Tim Walker, of course, who's ace. So it's not been a wasted time. And I've rowed with Griff loads, so that was fun too. The meet up was great too, even though I had a terrible hangover on the 8am train back home and had to work all day after.
But yeah, it's time I left this forum and moved on. I've got to devote my life to one person . . . Me.
No, seriously when you've got a choice between real life and a forum, you know what, real life wins by a mile. It's taken a series of circumstances to realise that.
The last 7 months in my life have been amazingly high, and f**king low. At the moment it's f**king high, and I intend it to stay that way.
Good luck everyone, and Aaron - when you want to interview me after I collect my BAFTA, just ask. I'm sure I can find a window in my diary.
So Seefacts disappears . . . Lets be fair, it's been coming.