Two old ladies, ELSIE and BARBARA talking at a bus stop.
ELSIE: Well, of course, animals do what comes naturally, they have since time immemorial.
BARBARA: I know...but it made me feel a bit 'you know'.
ELSIE: Look, ALL animals mate, Barbara, including cats. It's perfectly natural.
BARBARA: I appreciate that, but it feels different when it's your own cat. I mean, I remember my little Molly when she was just a furry little ball.
ELSIE: You've just got to accept it, she's not a kitten any more, she's grown into a queen cat, and therefore "sexually active"! It's what mature animals do.
BARBARA: Of course, you're right.[BEAT] I just couldn't come to terms with seeing her being mounted before my very eyes, in the middle of my back lawn by Mr Lucky, especially as Mr Lucky belongs to Mr Johnson next door. I mean, it's all so embarrassing.
ELSIE: Well, as I keep saying, that's nature for you. [BEAT] Wait a minute, the Johnsons don't have a cat, do they? Isn't Mr Lucky their Vietnamese pot-bellied pig?