British Comedy Guide

Milestone posts Page 62

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 28 2009, 11:48 PM BST

Sandwich Cupboard? That's not one of your 'young people's' weird expressions is it?

If it is, it's one that I've not heard of. Some of the things that younger people say goes straight over my head (and that's hard as I'm 6ft 5) so that makes me feel old, even though I am not.

Someone's coming up to their 1000th post...

No pressure RC. But I think the standard set is a nice topless shot?


Done, blown a grand on this site. My post features a hot looking chick, who'd a thunk it.

Thanks for reminding me Jane. :)

Well done Carpark. You're four figures deep. And what have you to show for it, mmm? Yes, exactly.

Congrats RC. :)

People are congratulating me for writing so many crap posts.

:$ :$ I'm all embawwassed now.

Truth be told, when I logged onto the site today, I thought I might have been swept up in the 'ban hammer' that took out Don Rushmore and blackdahlia1.

So blame the Moderators for my still being here. :P

Ha, you're not that annoying.

Well done Renegade. Now you've got to start all over again and build to 2000.

Quote: zooo @ July 29 2009, 2:49 PM BST

Ha, you're not that annoying.

Right back 'atcha sugar buns. ;)

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 29 2009, 2:48 PM BST

Don Rushmore

Don's gone?

Oh, no? :D

Quote: Leevil @ July 29 2009, 2:58 PM BST

Don's gone?

Oh, no? :D

Don's gone! Blackda... thingy has gone! \o/

Teary :( Errr :) :D Laughing out loud Whistling nnocently

^Emotion trail^

Cool Cool Cool Cool

Well done, RC! :D

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ July 29 2009, 7:47 PM BST

Well done, RC! :D

Thank you Scats! I'll buy you a lemonade at the BCG meet up. :P

:$ That actually makes me very happy.

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