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I've been a reader since the old days of Felt, at length, I ought to participate rather than just keep sponging off everyone else. I'm unemployed so thought I might as well.

See you around.


Hello Fence! :) Which side do you sit on?


Quote: Fence @ July 24 2009, 3:22 AM BST

I've been a reader since the old days of Felt, at length, I ought to participate rather than just keep sponging off everyone else. I'm unemployed so thought I might as well.

Hi Fence,

Well if you'd just like to fill in Sections A - V or this 'Laughter Benefit' form, enclosing your passport and national insurance card, we should have your membership up-and-running in around 5 to 7 months.

Nice to have you on board, mate.



Quote: Tim Walker @ July 24 2009, 2:18 PM BST


I always think of this as the "waving goodbye" emoticon, rather than the "waving hello" emoticon. So I always think when people greet other BCGers with this they're sending very mixed messages...

Hullo again! Wave

Hello, I've developed Parkinson's disease in my left hand. Wave

(Particularly tragic as I don't appear to have a right one.)

Hello Fence

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 24 2009, 3:31 PM BST

Hello, I've developed Parkinson's disease in my left hand. Wave

(Particularly tragic as I don't appear to have a right one.)

I've had mixed reactions to my gags about Parkinson's.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 24 2009, 3:39 PM BST

I've had mixed reactions to my gags about Parkinson's.

Well, it's always shaky territory.

Hi Fence. Are you a comic foil?


Touchy, more like.

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 24 2009, 3:31 PM BST

Hello, I've developed Parkinson's disease in my left hand. Wave

(Particularly tragic as I don't appear to have a right one.)

I'm not even convinced your hand is attached to your body.



Thanks – I feel very welcome – despite everyone waving goodbye.

Quote: EllieJP @ July 24 2009, 9:40 AM BST

Hello Fence! :) Which side do you sit on?

I stand – in the middle.

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 24 2009, 2:18 PM BST

Hi Well if you'd just like to fill in Sections A - V or this 'Laughter Benefit' form, enclosing your passport and national insurance card, we should have your membership up-and-running in around 5 to 7 months.

When they ask me what I've been doing for the past two weeks before they let me sign on I always think about telling them the truth: 'I'm working on a couple of scripts for a narrative comedy series', but I've always had the feeling they wouldn't accept that as real work.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ July 24 2009, 3:46 PM BST


Damn you people are quick.

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