British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 82

Cheers Puk!

R.J. - there was a sketch at the recording about about Beckham getting stick from LA fans, I didn't think it bombed, I thought it went OK. Bad luck.

Quote: Griff @ July 22 2009, 3:03 PM BST

Mine involves the E4 announcer.

Nice work on that one Griff - did you know Lewis could do the impression?

Stand out one liner for me was the Dan Brown gag.

Yeah the Dan Brown gag was a corker.

Didn't know Lewis could do the E4 guy, but sort of hoped he would be able to, having seen some of the brilliant stuff he did on Recorded For Training Purposes. Turns out he knows him in real life!

Good sketch, Griff. Liked it. Caught him very well script-wise, I thought :)


Quote: R.J. @ July 23 2009, 11:41 PM BST

Stand out one liner for me was the Dan Brown gag.

Yeah, that was a good 'un. I also liked the correction about next week's show (even though it didn't go down as well with the audience, it seemed - philistines). Mine was the Dr Who vox pop (quick, someone tell Matthew Stott :) ).

Nice work with the sketches, BCG-ers! I thought it was a decent closing show - better than last week's. Funnily enough I sent an Ashes "from the archive" in a couple of weeks ago but their's was completely different (mine was the 1932-33 series rather than 1934, so it wasn't even close).

I liked the time-space continum correction.

Right, I'm off to listen on iPlayer.

Should be a good show with (luvvie alert) so many top notch BCGers. :)

I managed to sneak a vox pop in at the last minute :) but they left me off the list of writers :(

Write to (for?) your MP!

Which one was it?


"I went to the moon once. (BEAT) Coventry!...I went to Coventry once."

Probably the feeblest thing I wrote all series.

Funny how those are always the ones they seem to pick...

It's a credit though dude.

Anyone else suffering NJ syndrome? I have been looking at crap news stories and websites today thinking: voxpop! correction! sketch! Then I realise there's no submission deadline and I can relax. It's a relief after 6 weeks but I hope Newsjack is back before too long! I may have got nowhere with sketches but it's been great making myself submit a couple every week. Great work by all the BCG team, by the way - winners and losers alike. A lot of it does seem to be luck of the draw, and judging by Critique there's plenty of really good stuff they didn't use.

Quote: Badge @ July 25 2009, 12:21 AM BST

Anyone else suffering NJ syndrome? I have been looking at crap news stories and websites today thinking: voxpop! correction! sketch! Then I realise there's no submission deadline and I can relax. It's a relief after 6 weeks but I hope Newsjack is back before too long! I may have got nowhere with sketches but it's been great making myself submit a couple every week. Great work by all the BCG team, by the way - winners and losers alike. A lot of it does seem to be luck of the draw, and judging by Critique there's plenty of really good stuff they didn't use.

Me too. It's a bit hard getting out of the habit (never really listen to the news otherwise!).

Perhaps try for New Revue/Treason; though they do seem to have a different vibe.

Hope it's back and is a regular show (couple of series a year consistently) -- that would be good.


Anyone else suffering NJ syndrome?

It's business as usual for me. I scan news stories for funnies all the time as I write regularly for NewsRevue, plus for a few other new avenues now.

Sorry for being stoopid, but is Newsjack over?

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