Mikey Jackson
Saturday 25th July 2009 1:51pm [Edited]
Worthing, West Sussex
2,808 posts
Bizarrely, it was all quite light hearted!
Well, it obviously gained some interest, so don't give up on it. 
Well quite. But even if you only climb that ladder half way, you may be invited onto a neighbouring ladder with more interesting rungs and a greater prize at the top. Or, as you say, you might fall off and land on your arse.
Yeah, you never know.
Originally, I only wrote it for the contest, but now it's evolved into something potentially worth it.
Where are/have you guys sent your scripts? I've been scrolling through lists of producers without really seeing any ones that definitely take unsolicited scripts for children's television. I also have something I want to pester people with.
Mine isn't an unsolicited place. It's a contact I've made along the long and winding road, through lots of time, hard work, previous and general detectiveness.
You probably won't find any unsolicited childrens' producers any more. They closed most of the doors to mortals a while back, after everybody started trying to bury them wih bad Harry Potter copies.