British Comedy Guide

Sitcom Trials Autumn '09 Page 7

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ July 15 2009, 11:38 PM BST

My sitcom is set under the stage. Is that viable?

Is that before it leaves town?

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ July 15 2009, 11:38 PM BST

My sitcom is set under the stage. Is that viable?

Is it being performed only by the understudies?

Quote: Leevil @ July 15 2009, 11:44 PM BST

Is it being performed only by the understudies?

And Laughing out loud

Quote: Leevil @ July 15 2009, 11:44 PM BST

Is it being performed only by the understudies?

Laughing out loud from me too

This joke has proved funnier than I expected and now I'm worrying I don't get it?

I don't get my own joke. Huh?

Quote: Leevil @ July 16 2009, 1:57 AM BST

I don't get my own joke. Huh?

Laughing out loud
so you don't: understand

Quote: ContainsNuts @ July 15 2009, 5:58 PM BST

Did any footage of last year get put up? Basically, I want to know how visual the whole thing is. Is it just some actors reading off a script or are there basic sets like a table and chair etc. I've seen the old TV footage, is it the same as that?

2007's Sitcom Trials winner was videod and is online at: . They've staged and recorded a number of episodes, so obviously these were done outside the Sitcom Trials, but this is what that venue's final at the Soho Theatre looked like, and is pretty similar to the Leicester Square set up. Ie some people, chairs and tables, and not a lot else.

This is one of 2001's finalists, Kiss Me Son Of God, staged at that year's Edinburgh Fringe. Again just the performers and some chairs, but you can conjure up a number of different scenes that way: (And this venue was in a bloody cave, which nobody noticed. Suspension of disbelief, that's the trick).

And this one, from the TV show, is presented very much like it had been done on stage, with the actors creating the scenarios through blocking and improv (also features the marvellous Simon Wright of this parish in a leading role):

Kev F

Our next 'How to get into the yes pile' workshop is on August 8th. For feedback from previous workshops follow this link:

Quote: simon wright @ July 23 2009, 10:18 AM BST

Our next 'How to get into the yes pile' workshop is on August 8th. For feedback from previous workshops follow this link:

Does it involve signing an option clause with no details of what you are signing away?

Recommended workshop, btw.

Marc, I didn't sign anything at all for the last one.

BTW does that contract I signed with you, meaning I had to advertise Hard Evidence available in all bookshops, in all my posts, ever expire???


Quote: swerytd @ July 23 2009, 10:30 AM BST

Recommended workshop, btw.

Marc, I didn't sign anything at all for the last one.

BTW does that contract I signed with you, meaning I had to advertise Hard Evidence available in all bookshops, in all my posts, ever expire???


It can expire in three weeks time Dan when BLOOD WORK will available in all good bookshops etc.

The option is a new addition this year. I have no probelem with it per se, just want to know what the details are. Call me an old professional! :D

The butler did it, if that saves you any time.


I was upset that Jackie Malone died, she was my favourite character.

And no, Marc, you don't have to sign anything, no options or anything like that.

You do have to give us £40 though.

Quote: Declan @ July 23 2009, 11:56 AM BST

I was upset that Jackie Malone died, she was my favourite character.

And no, Marc, you don't have to sign anything, no options or anything like that.

You do have to give us £40 though.

LOL I'll have to write a prequel, but you;re right she did have the best dialogue in the book.

£40 is cool. You shouldn't lose money staging things. My real concern with 'options' is if they mean 'interested' producers/production companies/broadcasters lose interest because of it. Which is not unheard of. And is incredibly frustrating.

I don't know what options are. I didn't know I had any.

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