British Comedy Guide

Sitcom Draft

I have recently started work on a sitcom, i would just like some feedback. If you could mention how good the story/characters or how funny it is that would be great. Along with comments about best scene/worst scene.

The format is bad because of when i copied it from microsoft word to Celtx; the program i use the scene headings, parenthenticals etc were all mixed up. Ignore the name too because i need to think of a new one since the story has changed a lot since the first draft.


It seems very forced conversation, whereas I prefer more naturalistic chat. The jokes seemed like they were jokes for the sake of jokes, and didn't really make me laugh. See what other people think, but it didn't do the trick for me.

agree with the jokes for the sake of it, like the pizza one. He didn't even give his address...

Genius, I read up to scene 7, which isn't bad when you consider I haven't got a clue what it's about. I thought the writing was pretty good and I did laugh a couple of times - and most importantly, didn't groan. Imagine Hugh Dennis looking a the Vodka bottle and saying 'those damn Russians', and you can see that it could work. The idea that the son keeps pestering his dad to buy him porn is also a pretty rich idea.

On one attentive - but uninvolved - read I would say that there didn't seem to be much difference between the father and uncle's lines. I didn't get any strong visual pictures through the dialogue. And where is it going? I will probably read the rest of it at some point, but you must have a few lines at the begining outlining the relationships and what it's about for potential readers. You've been living with it for ages, but we haven't.

Cutting is always a good idea, and i would say cut everything to the bone. You may have to invent more plot, but if a scene sags - even for a few lines, you've lost the reader.

It starts well, however, because you put us in a situation that we can recognise immediately - a drunk man returning home, and that is worth a lot. I've lost count of the scripts that I've read that start with some incomprehensible activity or dialogue, that is intensely irritating to the casual reader.

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