Two sketches, Aldrin?! You are The Chosen One!
I'm not sure how you feel about this, but unless someone's prepared to 'trump' you (with, say, two sketches and a one-liner) you basically become a prophet (or 'idol' if you prefer) for the rest of us non-commissioned writers and, as such, it's your responibility to impart wisdom unto us so that we might grow (spiritually of course) and become more, well, 'Aldrinesque'! Now, I haven't actually had any success regarding the show, but as I'm the one who pointed out that you are indeed The Chosen One, I think it's only fair that you select me as one of your disciples. You'll also be pleased to hear that I'm very punctual - a very important consideration when selecting disciples one would have to say!
Kinda funny to hear people saying they're glad the series has almost come to an end, but I have to say, I agree! It's a shame that the opportunity has gone for the time being but it's not great when writing comedy becomes like doing homework assignments!