British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 78

Quote: Aldrin @ July 21 2009, 2:01 PM BST

Richard Dawkins running a summer camp and nurse testicle attack on that doctor who proposed less painkillers for women in childbirth. first time had stuff picked up so was well chuffed.

Your summer camp sketch was amazing.

Thanks LJD!

To give myself a better chance of getting my work on Newsjack this week, I printed out a hard copy and set it on fire.

With any luck, the carbon atoms will drift across London and reassemble themselves on the desk of the BBC script editor.

Just to make sure, I've also tried pissing away from the direction of the wind.

Quote: Aldrin @ July 21 2009, 2:01 PM BST

Richard Dawkins running a summer camp and nurse testicle attack on that doctor who proposed less painkillers for women in childbirth. first time had stuff picked up so was well chuffed.

I enjoyed the nurse one - especially the "oh look it's twins" :D

Should we not organise something special to celebrate the (temporary?) ending of this forum thread and the righteous successes of some of our number?

Let's blow the collective payments made for sketches and one-liners on a small party! :D

Quote: biddyhell @ July 21 2009, 8:05 PM BST

Let's blow the collective payments made for sketches and one-liners on a small party! :D

If you're serious, and it's in London, I'll be there. . .

Well I'm glad that's all nearly over.
I have sent them some rubbish over the weeks, but today at 11.55 I surpassed myself with the 3 worst vox pops I or anyone else has ever done.
I didn't bother with any sketches this week as mine have all been very shitegeisty.

I can now forget about this show, relax & be happy again.
unless they bring it back someday.


Quote: Fred Sunshine @ July 21 2009, 8:47 PM BST

Well I'm glad that's all nearly over.
I have sent them some rubbish over the weeks, but today at 11.55 I surpassed myself with the 3 worst vox pops I or anyone else has ever done.
I didn't bother with any sketches this week as mine have all been very shitegeisty.

I can now forget about this show, relax & be happy again.
unless they bring it back someday.


would it be possible for you to tel us the 3 worst vox pops ever. having seen some of te efforts on the cirquie and also my own efforts they really will have to be bad to earn this prestigious title.

Nice one Aldrin - I enjoyed both of those sketches. Well done indeed for getting two on. :)

And Fred you deserve a point for the phrase shitegeisty if nothing else. ;) I have a stock of half written vox pops - only the funny bit missing - if anyone wants to put in a bid?

It's the first time I've tried for a run like this - is it always so heavy going? It's like being on Big Brother or something!

I have renewed respect for people who do this for a living!

And yes we should mark the passing of the end somehow.


I think a big wet fart would be appropriate...



Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 21 2009, 4:21 PM BST

To give myself a better chance of getting my work on Newsjack this week, I printed out a hard copy and set it on fire.

With any luck, the carbon atoms will drift across London and reassemble themselves on the desk of the BBC script editor.

Just to make sure, I've also tried pissing away from the direction of the wind.

That's the spirit :P

Yeah, I feel I'll be happy if I never read another newspaper or news website ever again. I'm kinda've used to it with Newsrevue and Treason, but knowing this was only six weeks made it seem much more intense.

By the way, I really liked your nurse sketch too, Aldrin.

Two sketches, Aldrin?! You are The Chosen One! :)

I'm not sure how you feel about this, but unless someone's prepared to 'trump' you (with, say, two sketches and a one-liner) you basically become a prophet (or 'idol' if you prefer) for the rest of us non-commissioned writers and, as such, it's your responibility to impart wisdom unto us so that we might grow (spiritually of course) and become more, well, 'Aldrinesque'! Now, I haven't actually had any success regarding the show, but as I'm the one who pointed out that you are indeed The Chosen One, I think it's only fair that you select me as one of your disciples. You'll also be pleased to hear that I'm very punctual - a very important consideration when selecting disciples one would have to say! ;)

Kinda funny to hear people saying they're glad the series has almost come to an end, but I have to say, I agree! It's a shame that the opportunity has gone for the time being but it's not great when writing comedy becomes like doing homework assignments!

But Aldrin is not the Messiah!
He's a very naughty boy. :P

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ July 22 2009, 12:01 AM BST

Buzz Aldrin is not the Messiah!
He's a very naughty boy. :P

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