British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 77

although last weeks episode was the weakest I think that it had the best archive. Also the funeral sketch was brilliant.

It also had the best 'underhand' Miles comments in the build-up to jokes. The 'real-life Scooby Doo villain' comment was particularly funny, among others.


If your material is selected for the show, do they email you before it airs or do you have to wait until the show airs to find out?

I got an email on Wednesday (5:30ish) saying stuff would be recorded (so I didn't know till I heard it, as had left work by then for the recording!), then an email on Thursday (late afternoon) saying it would be broadcast.


Good luck for the last week everyone! I agree Miles' persona seems to have changed over the weeks. Hopefully, they'll be a longer series next time which might make it easier to write for.

Marooned, it seems that for the few on here who get sketches considered the producers often get in touch by Tuesday for rewrites. Otherwise they email re sketches and one liners in one hit. But it's never the same time each week. The earliest people seem to hear is Wednesday early evening to say it's being recorded - but sometimes they don't find out until Thursday.

Even though I've had no luck with sketches I've enjoyed trying. But it has seemed harder the last couple of weeks - we need better news for the next run.

Yes I'm blaming the news for my lack of success!


Sorry Dan - simo posted. The best way to find out is definitely in the audience with your writing chums hearing a one liner recorded from each of you (who submitted)!

I sent in three vox pops on the moon landing, Baron Sugar and Boris Johnson appearing in Eastenders. Good luck all.

Quote: Marooned @ July 21 2009, 9:12 AM BST

If your material is selected for the show, do they email you before it airs or do you have to wait until the show airs to find out?

For episode two, I got an email on the Thursday lunchtime telling me I'd been recorded the previous night. Thursday evening, another email telling me I'd made the edit. I don't know how standard that is.

But did you get an automated response, Kev?! Eh!??! Did you?!!?



Thanks for the responses to my question everyone.

We should start making our own news and then satirise it!

Marooned, in my experience they stopped doing the "you have been recorded email". I got one of those off Dan Tetsell, week three, but on the last episode I got one on the night of the show from producer Sam saying it was in. first I knew though was when I looked at the credits for ep 5. Oddly, got two sketches on in all but never had a sniff with vox pops or corrections. Am bad with brevity as you can see from this post.

Which sketches did you do, Aldrin?

Richard Dawkins running a summer camp and nurse testicle attack on that doctor who proposed less painkillers for women in childbirth. first time had stuff picked up so was well chuffed.

Ah yes.

That Dawkins sketch was very good. Congrats on your first commissions too.

Quote: Aldrin @ July 21 2009, 1:29 PM BST

Am bad with brevity as you can see from this post.

I wouldn't say that, I managed to read your post in one go without being distracted and I have ADHD!

Quote: swerytd @ July 21 2009, 11:10 AM BST

But did you get an automated response, Kev?! Eh!??! Did you?!!?



Thanks for asking. As a matter of fact I didn't. And if I recall correctly, it was darned irritating. I may have mentioned.

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