Saturday 18th July 2009 5:47pm [Edited]
5,335 posts
Don't get me wrong guys, not having a go at any one here. Just trying to show no debate is as clear cut as adherents like to portray it.
Quote: DaButt @ July 18 2009, 1:15 AM BST
Suck on these: photographs of 5 of the 6 Apollo landers on the surface of the moon. The astronauts' foot paths are visible, too.
Let's get this straight: I'm not a total disbeliever in the moon landings but I'm not a total believer, either. And I defend people's right to choose to doubt, without them being labelled by others as stupid or genetic dead-ends.
Photos prove nothing. Not in a technological age where "seeing is believing" no longer holds true. If seeing is really believing then Independence Day and Star Wars have equal claim to being as genuine as the news. That they aren't accepted as fact indicates visual evidence is not always proof enough. Plus, you can't expect undecided people to unquestioningly accept your proof while you simultaneously poo-poo other people's photographic 'proof' as fakes - because if one side can fake it, so can the other.
Politically, the moon landings fell bang into JFK's 10 year decision to beat the Ruskies to the moon. The USA overhauled a technological gap with the Russians, stole a huge global psychological coup, and did it with piss-poor terrifying equipment. Imagine if, 2 years before the deadline, NASA told the president the moon landing wasn't going to happen. Is it then so inconceivable, with so much geopolitical and morale gain at stake, for the USA to fake it?
To present the debate as cold hard fact and rational scientific people against the stupid and unscientific undermines your cause (as it undermines every other similar debate) because (even to an idiot like me) it's clearly a lie. Both sides have argument and counter-argument and the disbelievers possess intellectuals where it's claimed there are none. This discrepancy between what doubters see and what is claimed only weakens your position. It screams desperation and intellectual bullying to force upon people a particular belief... because if they don't, it must mean they're stupid.
Do you want a world of free independent thinkers? If so, you must not only accept dissent but embrace it, that's the price. Or do you want mindless puppets believing everything they're spoonfed by their intellectual superiors? Because intellectual peer pressure is the way to get conformity through fear of being different.
It is not ridiculous to believe that man landed on the moon but it is also not utterly inconceivable that it was faked. The easiest way for NASA to disprove it, is to send up a new team. But guess what, the cost and time it would take would be crazy. Yet the USA did it in less than a decade, when they were far less advanced than now. Again, it doesn't really help the doubters decide.
Quote: Tim Walker @ July 18 2009, 1:39 AM BST
people are happy to disbelieve that Man landed on the moon; but many of the same follow astrology.
This is not really a proof or an argument. It's an assumption which then ties one debate to another more implausible idea so that general readers will assume both have equal implausability or wackiness. When it's not really the case. Judge the moon landings on the evidence of the moon landings, not on moon landings and 'crazy astrology'.
Plus I disagree with the basic assumption. I doubt the moon landings but disbelieve astrology and I'll bet many people who believe in Astrology also think man landed on the moon.
Quote: Tim Walker @ July 18 2009, 12:05 PM BST
The Moon's relationship with menstruation is mainly evolutionary and breeding cycles in many species have a relationship with it.
To claim the moon's effect is miniscule is contradicted by this quote. The moon's historical social and cultural effect on man has been because we perceive it in a way that animals can't. However, long before we were capable of looking up and feeling awe and long before we decided to tie harvest and planting to its cycles, menstruation was synced to the moon.
For menstruation to sync to the moon, the moon must exert a very real effect on earth and its animals - many of which are incapable of conceiving or even having awareness of the object that's affecting them. Although I hasten to add, the effect is in an astronomical, not astrological, sense. I guess this is why cultures linked visible physical effects with other less plausible ideas. The fact that astrology arose in society is actually a further indication of man's awareness of the moon's effect since our earliest days.