Some Rotter takes a hotter Otter up the Botter.
I am wasted on comedy..
Some Rotter takes a hotter Otter up the Botter.
I am wasted on comedy..
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 15 2009, 10:18 PM BST
Yeah Lee picks the ones he finds funny!!!
Quote: EllieJP @ July 15 2009, 2:21 PM BSTThe signs a bit too excessive don't you think? Although you don't really get the picture with only a "C."
I just got that. I'll have you know I'm at LEAST a "c". Lower-case, granted.
Quote: sootyj @ July 15 2009, 10:35 PM BSTBetween Lee and DaButt we're going to be turning up on Bear sites, grrrr!
Hah - Rowrr!
Hold on...the alternative definition of "bear" being a hairy gay / bi man... sometimes heavy set??!!
How dare you? I'm as straight as the next suspiciously-fiercely-hetero Northern male. And I'm not heavy-set, I merely have big bones.
Big, hairy, flabby bones.
I am a smooth man. No bear adulation for me.
My big gay brother-in-law is definitely a bear. He's almost 400 lbs and very hairy. My sister either has no gaydar or won't admit what an idiot she was to marry him. Oh, get this, they had a roommate for a while, my brother-in-law's big hairy equally gay best friend. Hmm.
Bird not nest in tree with bare branches.
The only thing saving me from humiliation in posting is my techno-inability.
I have a photo of me some where in a too small lime green tutu, with a tiarra and angel wings. I look like the blob gone tranny.
Thank you technophobia.
I have another photo of said ensemble with a gas mask, now that one is really nightmarish and not at all gay,
Quote: AndreaLynne @ July 16 2009, 1:12 AM BSTMy big gay brother-in-law is definitely a bear. He's almost 400 lbs and very hairy. My sister either has no gaydar or won't admit what an idiot she was to marry him. Oh, get this, they had a roommate for a while, my brother-in-law's big hairy equally gay best friend. Hmm.
Are you sure she's not you know dating a real grizzly bear?
Like Grizzly Adams.
No, he's a orchestra conductor, he loves Sondheim, and he described a cake I made one time as being "gloriously fudgie." What do you think?
Is he fabulous?
Yes he is, gloriously fabulous!
Wonderful, darling!
Even my parents, who are admittedly a little slow on the uptake, could tell that he was right off the bat. I've tried to like the guy, but he's an arrogant bastard. I'll look for a photo. Everyone needs a giggle, right?
Quote: sootyj @ July 15 2009, 10:35 PM BSTBetween Lee and DaButt we're going to be turning up on Bear sites, grrrr!
Hey, my brother received all the gay genes in my family!
Quote: DaButt @ July 16 2009, 1:59 AM BSTHey, my brother received all the gay genes in my family!
Now gay jeans is in my search history