(£ which make their way to DVD shops, mostly.)
Why are people stupid? Page 3
Quote: Aaron @ August 23, 2007, 12:27 AMThankfully, no one calls me
What does that say about you Dear?
Smoke grass not tobacco. Not that I smoke either. Just a suggestion really. I'll shut up.
Quote: Godot Taxis @ August 23, 2007, 12:29 AMAaron, your SAR is typical.
The inverse square law won't save the people on 1200 minute +unlimited texts packages. In thirty years time their Burberry caps will no longer fit onto their John Merrick-like heads.
Ha ha, very true. I guess they'll all be claiming on the NHS too. Bah!
Actually, that's a good point. It'll be interesting to see if and how cancers and such around shoulder, neck and brain become more common over the next 30 years or so.
Quote: Charley @ August 23, 2007, 12:29 AMWhat does that say about you Dear?
It says that the few people I choose to give my mobile number to know that I hate the telephone and am likely to be pissy with them for calling me.
You are not gonna get many clients that way.
I used to smoke cause my ex did! When we split up after 2 and a half years i quit! Just like that! Never felt better!
Well done, it's a dirty habit and I can think of plenty of better clean dirty habits to have
Quote: Leevil @ August 23, 2007, 1:42 AMWell done, it's a dirty habit and I can think of plenty of better clean dirty habits to have
Literally 'dirty' habits, eh Lee?
Although I don't smoke I miss the general cloud of smoke in pubs - I think I must be mildly passively addicted.
I like smoke. Proper smoke smoke though. Not cigarette smoke. Ew. That just smells awful, and smoking looks skanky.
This kind of smoke.
I think the reason young(er) people still take up smoking despite all the evidence is an air of invicability. When you're younger you feel you can take on the world or handle anything... in the same way kids are fearless, and they'll climb trees and jump off things etc, until they keep breaking their legs when they think hold on a minute... The older you get, the more fear you have. I think it can be the same with smoking, it's (percieved) to look cool, the addiction takes hold without them really knowing it, they think all the bad things will happen to someone else, and anyway "I can stop when I want". But you can't, and its when you see the results of smoking first hand (e.g. getting ill yourself or a friend or family) You start to realize you made a mistake...
I smoked for about 10 years, and stopped a year ago this month. I was all up for the ban, anything to try and get me to stop. I was lucky though, I'd tried to stop in the past - a couple of years ago I had pleurisy (it's a chest infection not sexually transmitted!) a direct result of smoking, and that didn't stop me - but then last year in the middle of a lovely fag I had an epiphany, I didn't like the taste anymore, and I didn't want to smoke anymore. So I put it out, and I haven't smoked again........................................yet.
Women who smoke look quite sexy. And who amongst us hasn't asked a girlfriend to stub a cigarette out on our chest when we're tied to a bed?
. . .