British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 68

For the third week running I got the autoreply for my vox pops (pasted in the email) and not for my sketch (attachment).

Forgot all about it until about 4.50pm - so rushed out two very weak vox pops. Be ironic if they were the ones that made it in, except they definitely won't.

For all the people who have submitted every week and not got on:

When did the pain of rejection stop hurting? It bothered me for the first 3 shows, but now it's pain free when I realise I'm not getting on!

I sent two vox pops this week and one correction. And, as is the fashion to announce, I got the auto-reply in about two minutes.

Did you reckon you wrote the best you could? Then in all honesty that's enough.

Why not share your efforts?

Be ironic if they were the ones that made it in, except they definitely won't.

You never know. Some of the vox pops can be very weak.

And there are people on here who have submitted clever vox pops alongside weaker ones and have been surprised to find the weaker ones used.

Quote: sootyj @ July 15 2009, 12:52 PM BST

Did you reckon you wrote the best you could? Then in all honesty that's enough.

I wasn't actually complaining.

Quote: Ben @ July 15 2009, 12:50 PM BST

For all the people who have submitted every week and not got on:

When did the pain of rejection stop hurting? It bothered me for the first 3 shows, but now it's pain free when I realise I'm not getting on!

I sent two vox pops this week and one correction. And, as is the fashion to announce, I got the auto-reply in about two minutes.

It hurts every time to see your work rejected in my view. Still, there is at least one episode left to go. When I wrote for Tilt, I managed to get a sketch on the final episode.

Quote: Ian Wolf @ July 15 2009, 12:54 PM BST

I managed to get a sketch on the final episode.

I think persistence is the key. Newsjack is the first show where I've sent something in every week of the run. Previously, I've given up after 3 attempts. It's no guarantee of getting on, but AT LEAST I TRIED!

Just wondering - do you guys post Vox Pops and Corrections onto the email or do you send it in a separate word doc? I sent my Vox Pops in a word document - you still think they open it don't you? Maybe I should have given them the ease of reading it directly without having to open an attachment. Not that it will make much difference...

On the submission page it says you can either paste vox pops/corrections into the email or send as an attachment.

I send as an attachment.

Quote: ForzaCarra @ July 15 2009, 1:16 PM BST

Just wondering - do you guys post Vox Pops and Corrections onto the email or do you send it in a separate word doc? I sent my Vox Pops in a word document - you still think they open it don't you? Maybe I should have given them the ease of reading it directly without having to open an attachment. Not that it will make much difference...

This is what it says on the Newsjack website:

If you are e-mailing one-liners, please paste them directly into the email or attach them in one document. Don't attach 12 documents for 12 one-liners.

I sent in a few Vox Pops. Couldn't help myself

I wonder how many other submissions they get from outside the UK...

I'm feeling better about my rejections since I've twigged that I'm possibly NOT sending in the best I can do. That's not for the want of trying - it's the timing. I'm a plodding writer. I really need that 'shove it in a drawer' time. I look back on submissions and think - bugger - if only I'd changed/deleted... etc. It's happened every week so far. (Some subs were beyond saving of course - then I get the 'wtf was I thinking of...').

Love your mag clueless that's well written and genuinely original.

Love your mag clueless that's well written and genuinely original.

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