... Did you see what I did there?
I used an introductory thread on a sitcom forum to cleverly fuse it with a well known line from Allo Allo.
Comic genius. Literally.
Beware Kaye, Gervais, Sanders, all at Operation Good Guys & especially Dodd.
There's a new kid in town and his packing the milky bars.
Anyway, I'm somegeezer and would like to say hello to one and all.
How's this for an idea to get pen on paper and induce creative juices to flow... Every week a mod picks a user name from a hat, together with a mixture of say 1 item of any description, 1 landmark, 1 every day occurence & 1 famous person from history/current day, and the picked 'user' has to write a brief and hilarious sketch which includes all the bobbins taken from that hat?
Note to mods: Please ensure the hat is a trilby... We're nothing if not up to date and with it.
So, for example, ABC user has to write a short sketch that includes a cricket bat, Ben Nevis, catching a bus and Napolean...
Good or bad idea guys?
Nice to meet y'all! Don't go changing...