British Comedy Guide

Brown Claims Victory In Afghanistan Is Close-ish


This should really be in critique.
The style is a bit to thudding and obvious for my tastes. With this style of mock news you need to be going for more of a pastiche.

Quote: sootyj @ July 12 2009, 4:50 PM BST

This should really be in critique.

I agree with sootyj. Plus:

1) 'When asked by a reporter...'

2) 'One journalist did, however, manage to elicit...'

Doesn't the 'Liar' have its OWN reporters/journalists?


1)'which currently comprise of' (which currently comprises)

2)'before returning back to where you started from ('back' is redundant)

Spoof or not; it's a newspaper - unless it is deliberate for comic effect, e.g., 'what I wrote', grammar has to be correct.

Finally; This WAS originally posted in 'Other British Comedy'

- It's British, yes, but it ends there.

Quote: Joseff @ July 12 2009, 8:00 PM BST

Finally; This is posted in 'Other British Comedy'

- It's British, yes, but it ends there.


Whether or not these 'Daily Liar' posts are funny is, to a point, irrelevant. They should really be in Critique (as has been opined). This is 3rd party stuff, which isn't posted with the intent of sparking discussion by other members. All other members are expected to post links to "comedy" material with which they have some connection with, in Critique. Why not this?

Because, presumably, this is trying to attract readers and an audience, rather than critique. Hence it not having been moved to Critique.


It's not really trying to engage other members though, is it? Posting one's own material doesn't really invite comment other than critique. It's different from posting a YouTube linke to other's work, or a straight news story etc? Whether consciously or not, the member is posting his own (to some degree) comic material which by its nature is looking for praise or criticism. It's not looking to start a debate, is it?

(Just an opinion. ;) )

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 12 2009, 10:43 PM BST


I would agree with Tim's Mmmnnnn.....

Quote: bigfella @ July 12 2009, 10:44 PM BST

I would agree with Tim's Mmmnnnn*


Tim's Mmmmminchin?

*cymbal crash*

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