British Comedy Guide

The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Page 3

It's just a pity that Will Smith doesn't really do any challenging films thesedays. His performance was excellent in Six Degrees Of Separation.

It was.

He's the big money maker at the minute. I'm sure even if he wanted to do a more challenge performance in a film, we wouldn't see that for years to come, because of all the work he gets releasing blockbusters.

He can, of course, make what films he likes, but there's potentially a really interesting actor in there somewhere. Without trying to sound too po-faced and worthy, perhaps he might feel a little bit of responsibility to bring his fame to bear by helping smaller, indie movies? I would love to see him a modest little indie flick. Especially in a dark comedy. (It would also develop him as an actor, taking less action roles.)

Wasn't his first film an indie comedy about him pretending to be Sidney Poitierre's son?

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 10 2009, 1:34 AM BST

He can, of course, make what films he likes

I was trying to say he would have such a backlog of action films coming out, that it would be a long time before we see another side to him. Of course it was a pointless humouring, that didn't need a second post to explain it. But look, here it is :)

Quote: sootyj @ July 10 2009, 1:35 AM BST

Wasn't his first film an indie comedy about him pretending to be Sidney Poitierre's son?

Six Degrees...

Quote: Leevil @ July 10 2009, 1:39 AM BST

I was trying to say he would have such a backlog of action films coming out, that it would be a long time before we see another side to him. Of course it was a pointless humouring, that didn't need a second post to explain it. But look, here it is :)


Is this the part where we kiss? Because I've already cum in my pants.

Quote: Leevil @ July 10 2009, 1:47 AM BST

Because I've already cum in my pants.

Actually, I think you'll find that's mine.

Quote: Leevil @ July 10 2009, 1:47 AM BST

Is this the part where we kiss? Because I've already cum in my pants.

Laughing out loud

I <3 Will Smith. He is pretty.

Oh and he's a good actor and seems like a really nice bloke too. :)

And I did love TFPOBA; Carlton Laughing out loud

Quote: Tim Walker @ July 10 2009, 1:52 AM BST

Actually, I think you'll find that's mine.

That's good. I thought it was a bit smelly.

Surprised Alfonso(Carlton)'s career hasnt scaled the heights of Will Smith, thought he was just as good in Fresh Prince

Last time I saw him he was fat, he obviously has Phil's genes. Last time I saw Will Smith he was ripped to the bone.

But you're right. And it would be nice to see him again, in stuff.

Yesterday I saw a 'very special episode' of The Fresh Prince where Will bought speed from a seedy white kid which was accidentally taken by Carlton at the school prom, who confused it for vitamin e. An hour of hyperspeed running man later, Carlton wound up in hospital having his stomach pumped for amphetamines. The episode ended with Will crying to his unforgiving uncle. I swear I'm not making this up.

I watched that one yesterday too. I've seen it lots of times.

I watched a few episodes of the Bell-End Prat of Fresh Air, but Will Smith came out of it smelling of the proverbial roses. Most of his filmwork has been great. Maybe I should give it a shot.

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