British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 62

Quote: Jane P @ July 9 2009, 3:43 PM BST

Nice one Dr V - I just asked how many submissions they get and apparently it's about 400 a week! So we've done well/ been lucky to get this far...

Was that 400 people sending in, or 400 actual submissions? If the former, that's a high amount this far into the series and, as you say, makes it tough to get something in. Would also be interested to know whether they have commissioned writers and, if so, how many/whether they account for many of the sketches.

Separately, as someone who's been to several of the broadcasts, which type of vox pops would you say are making and missing the cut? Or is it just the ones that go down the best that get broadcast, regardless of whether they are original/clever or a bog-standard pun?

It's hard to be exact but they cut very few sketches or one liners. VP's it may be 1 or 2 at the most. I don't think anyone here has had one recorded but not used have they?

Sketches are probably similar perhaps 1 or 2.

I thought the same re the 400 figure - is that emails or sketches? I'm guessing they print off 400 sketches or pages of one liners per week. Whatever it is that's a lot for them to read through in a couple of days.

They definitely mentioned established writers this week but I'd like to think if you write a top notch sketch you're in with a shot. A few people from here have managed it, which is great.


Quote: Jane P @ July 9 2009, 6:10 PM BST

It's hard to be exact but they cut very few sketches or one liners. VP's it may be 1 or 2 at the most. I don't think anyone here has had one recorded but not used have they?

Sketches are probably similar perhaps 1 or 2.

I thought the same re the 400 figure - is that emails or sketches? I'm guessing they print off 400 sketches or pages of one liners per week. Whatever it is that's a lot for them to read through in a couple of days.

They definitely mentioned established writers this week but I'd like to think if you write a top notch sketch you're in with a shot. A few people from here have managed it, which is great.


Thanks Jane - very useful. I'd assumed a lot of the one-liners/vox pops were cut so will now be less worried when or if I get another "your vox pop will be recorded tonight but can't guarantee..." e-mail!

No email for me. Sounds like this show has gone rapidly downhill! Angry

Only kidding - well done to anyone getting stuff recorded and - hopefully - broadcast later.

NEWSFLASH: list of writers is up. Well done Jane again, and any other BCG-ers.

Well done Jane for getting material on for two weeks in a row! And congratulations to anyone else who managed to write a piece of comedy gold.

Mental note to self: Must be funnier next week

I'm just recovering from having tuned in to listen to Yes Minister on BBC7 at 7pm tonight only to hear a Newsjack trailer... with a snippet of my sketch in it!

Nice one BCGers! I'm in this week, just got the email.

I got something recorded but not broadcast in week 2 so I'm relieved!

Quote: Dave M @ July 9 2009, 7:53 PM BST

Well done Jane for getting material on for two weeks in a row!

Three in a row actually. She's going for a full house ;)

Judging from this week's list, you're at a distinct advantage if your name starts with 'J'... Might use deedpoll before next week.


Congratulations to all the BCG'ers who had their work broadcast, particularly Jane P. who seems to be raking in that fat BBC cash - don't worry, I won't tell the taxman.

Unfortunately for me, I think Newsjack ripped me off. I submitted a sketch this week called 'Michael McIntyre Undercover' where the aforementioned comedian investigates the drug trade.

They did a sketch called 'Michael McIntyre Undercover', but set it in Afghanistan instead.

Maybe it was just a comedic co-inkydink, but it does stick in the craw somewhat.

Oh well, I'll keep trying I suppose.

I know it's a pisser, but if you've thought of that idea then the chances are so have others. Newsjack featured a Michael McIntyre impression a couple of weeks ago, which went down very well with the audience, so it's a no brainer for them to use it again.

It's very little consolation for you, but think of it this way - At least you're on the right lines.

I submitted a Facebook Bond sketch this week. Along with about fifty others I imagine, at least one other on this very forum. They did a Facebook Bond sketch. Doesn't mean they ripped anyone off.

Well done everyone again.

But I can't believe they did that Murray correction at the end - it was the first one I crossed off my list as "too obvious". Isn't everyone sick of the British if he wins Scottish if he loses thing?

I think the BT call was the highlight this week. McIntyre didn't do it for me - maybe expectations were raised a bit...?

No - I couldn't believe they used it again either.

The stand out sketches were the BT call and Big Brother, IMHO.

Yes, Big Brother was good too. Funny cos it's true.

Quote: Badge @ July 10 2009, 12:11 AM BST

McIntyre didn't do it for me - maybe expectations were raised a bit...?

Oops that would be my fault, sorry. But firstly it went down really well 'live' and Lewis' impression is great, and secondly it was written by someone on here who wouldn't have seen your script RC if that's any consolation? Thirdly, I still think it was funny and nicely observed!

And *finally* positive discrimination for the Js! :)

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