Thursday 9th July 2009 4:25am
38 posts
Quote: bigfella @ July 8 2009, 10:50 PM BST
Independance for Cornwall.
A near impossible subject. I did the best I could. I didn't think any of this over, just opened MS Word and started writing... it shows
I believe in indpendence for Cornwall, I've done a lot of research on this subject - almost one whole minute on wikipedia. Gotta do something while waiting for the porn to load!
Cornwall has a wealth of exports - sheep and incest! And if Austria can be it's own nation, then why not Cornwall?
A recent survey was conducted and 45% of Cornwallians, Cornwallaces? Cornhuskers? Cornwallese people believe that they should have their independence. While the other 55% couldn't understand the question.
Italy is one of the most powerful nations in the world, and it's only a boot! Cornwall is a whole leg - imagine what it can achieve? Italy brought us some fantastic exports; Milan being the fashion capital of the world, the world would be a less stylish place if it wasn't for these facists.
Cornwall is a place where men are real men! And where sheep are sexy!